

it works
Like hitting a rock with a hammer, life hits us hard sometimes. Tell us a story about the hardships in your life.
There's nothing more draining to me than me dwelling on what happened to me years ago yesterday, last month, last week. They'll say let it go, leave the pass in the past I can never get those two right.
But anyway once I let it go I tend to make myself forget the past it's the only way that I can move on. I have no hardships none that I want to dredge up from my forgotten past because I litery taught myself to leave the pass in itself.
For me me crying about something stupid that happened to me yesteryear does nothing but prolong hurt and me forgetting it and them.
I move on I don't know if they nor care if they move on because I never go back to a point of hurt return. I give it to the Lord I literally get down on my knees pray and ask the Lord to take the burden away, I literally picture myself putting the burden in the Lord's hands I tell him thank you Jesus I stand up and walk away and leave whatever it was in the hands of the Lord saying please Lord help me to forgive and forget them in Jesus name.

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