

Will love stay forever with us...

We couldn't have a time or moment to stay back and think all this what could be the next thing or situation will come in front of us .although I was busy to build my career that could be more secured for me rather then a relation that really don't work for me.but sometimes I have a thought wish I could be loved by some one passionately.
It is that not easy for us to control the feeling that we felt for someone but that could be stay forever with us it change .we met a lot people near your apartment, your office or sometimes we meet strangers with no where actually.i know love is actually great thing to felt but that thing more suffocate us after the person don't exist in your life that strange but we had to move on to find that person who actually love us and respect us.
Every relationship is taste of vanilla flavor it good in taste but after that it show it actual colour of taste."haha that too funny".think of it actually it is but we denied to accept. Actually all those years I couldn't find the match of mine. According to me I had dated around 20 guys I felt they are good in bed not to stable my mind because I don't want to be there for long period of time.
It could be irresistible for me sometimes but I still working on that"no worry it will work one day might be". I think both men and women has desire.if it can't fix it out it will not work actually or they will broke with each other easily. What if two unknown people fall in love but then they knew it they are not meant to each other and started living their lives without any kind of hope.
Some people are so much in love that they forget everything and start a new life with each other with all things done something as titled "happily living after".but it should be happily stay together for now afterwards who know what is going between the two might be they part away like my parents does.
I think that might be there are chances to staying in love but if the partner not betray us or cheat on us.to stay loyal with us forever and ever with the same live he or she had few years ago....