

the hypothesis and extrapolation upon the archetype of the hermit
Look now and ponder upon the Hermit...
he chooses to sit atop the hill or mountain, he hides within the caverns in the maw of the earth.
He is less alone in his isolation than they who walk amongst the throngs and tenements of the cities, for he sets himself aside from the rest of Man and wanders into the inner cosmos that is infinite and vast beyond measure...and there sits in the unbridled and true presence of divinity.

In this place and state, the physical body and soul (which are compromised of the four classical alchemical elements and the seat and source of understanding and genius for all arts and sciences) serves less purpose than the final aspect and component of Man...the divine spirit.

It is easy to spend more time than is necessary to expound upon The graces and sacrifices that must be made to take upon yourself the mantle of the warrior and peacemaker... To be both priest and pariah...truly by separation from humanity and civilization this simple and monastic man obtains what he hasn't been seeking and does so by refusing both the hubris that others have thinking they do not require to seek truths or wisdom and have obtained them already and also not to as pridefully and more foolishly espouse that they have obtained that which is only found without effort by sages and gods... The truth lies somewhere in the middle in the path of the philosopher who knows that they have not obtained these truths and wisdom but also no that they must continue to seek them...This is the heart of the philosophers path... And what painful woe lies at the end for the sage does not love nor does he seek wisdom for it is already been obtained... And then it's acquisition a final blow is struck separating this man from all others and also from the divine

And upon this a much simpler and much more penultimate truth I have found... A true moment of dichotomy and an error in the perception of those calling themselves civilized...

Even small children will easily find themselves feeling almost inexorably drawn to cast judgment to laugh and to point at the poor dirty fool who sits upon the hill and speaks to himself and riddles like a man driven mad in the wilds... But at the same time whenever mankind finds itself trading the normality of a civilized world for the chaos that they do not understand themselves that same man becomes the great and wise sage the sits upon the mountain and his spouse is great truths and speaks only in parable and riddle... What a disgusting self-mutilation The hermit must take upon himself to know that this is the only end to these means... What power has been obtained by a man who can separate himself from all others and seek and be driven mad in the seeking for the purpose of living in a horrible time in which they become the one-eyed king of the world filled with blind scrambling children, lost in the dark and afraid
© David Hafley