

My cell phones hacked. Mister Virus chapter 24.
The perverse narcissist, when you catch him doing something, instead of repenting and stop doing what you catch him doing, he makes it worse, he completely messes it up.

The perverse narcissist who touched me is an undercover, when you catch him in one, he makes another worse to prove his innocence without knowing the more he does it, the more he stays at the discovery. He is likea wild animal. A hybrid animal like the mule. There is no remedy for that type of people. The perverse narcissist who touched me continues to make my life impossible. Mister Virus, as his name indicates, is still trying to find a way to penetrate himself so that it can grow little by little and damage everything.

I have known that monster for 10 years, from the first day that I found it, it started attacking me. At that time I did not see it as an attack because I did not know if those kinds of monster existed.

As the years went by, I began to discover that this man was my enemy from the beginning. The mask he drops it, by not doing what he wants me to do and running away from him, even I had to post it him on my facebook page, which made him completely show me his monster face, And until this present moment he did not stop chasing me to make my life impossible.

One of the tools that Mister Virus used to attack me is the cell phone. Every cell phone that I bought, Mr. Virus hacked it or sent people to steal it to me. I had to buy cell phones over cell phones. In less than 4 years I bought more than 6.

That monster sent me to watch the places I go and take pictures of me to send to him. As he thinks he is famous, he sent his flying monkeys to tell me, after posting his photo on facebook, he sent one of his flying monkeys to tell me it's because I want to be famous, that's why I published him. He really thinks he's famous.

It is very rare that a cell phone lasts me a year because of that monster that hacked it. The sixth cell phone I just threw it away because I couldn't do anything with it anymore. It was a cell phone with less than 1 year of use, which I used to meditate, make my videos, among others. Mr. Virus penetrated like a Virus into until he completely broke it.

Now I have another one with less than 2 months of purchase, the man hacks it again. Facebook was a very strong tool when that Virus wants to come to bother me. There was no way to ignore him so much when he used flying monkeys that's why I stopped entering. I don't know how that Virus does, again it comes and penetrated that cell phone.

I read my story, suddenly it comes and closes it, I started to watch a video the video changes for another one by itself. My internet with Wifi or with megabit deactivates itself in every Cellular I have used. The phone goes very slow and heats up, it only shows that Mister Virus has penetrated.

Through WhatsApp Mr. Virus writes my contacts to me. The cell phone opens by itself. Now I can not do any search on Google because when I enter and start reading something interesting, the page came up in the search without doing it myself.

I started to make a fundraiser in Go fund me, I received a single donation and with Mister Virus I could not receive anymore. A family wanted to help me to put their participation, every time that he accessed it, that marked an error and I, I could no longer access the page. The page stayed there with that $ 100. It is not for the first time that I started a fundraising so Mister Virus penetrated and blocked it. Seeing that I catch him instead of stopping bothering me with my things, he came in and made worse.

Mister Virus saw that I am downloading images talking about the perverse narcissists, I do not know how that virus man does and I can not download anything. Only with screenshot I can get an image.

I could not access to Go Fund Me and now Mister Virus makes a way to not be able to access any information on Google. As a Virus that he is, he watches over everything, to then be able to enter and damage.

I like cultural exchanges and I am doing a search on a page such as Helpstay, Workaway and another to see which one suits me best and start if God wants my trip with one of them. Mr. Virus entered and blocked those pages. I cannot say that the problem is in the cell phone because it is not the first cell phone that this demon has done like this for me.

My question is: until when is Mr. Virus going to stop bothering me? Because I don't know what more to do to push away this man from me.

© RebChrist888