

It was night time. The sky was beautifully adorned with diamonds. The beauty was evident, captivating.
The cliff was where we spent our time. Temmy and I sat on the carpet that we had laid on the floor. Our eyes took in the beauty of the night's blue sky as we held each other's hands. No sound was made, yet we conversed, in our own unique way.

"Do you remember how we met?" Temmy asked out of the blue.
"Yes, I do."
"You want to walk down the memory lane?" I asked her.
"Would you do that for me?"
"Anything for you.”

You were walking through the corridor after your classes.
Your eyes were tired.
Your steps were wavering, unbalanced.
Your shoulders were bent, as though you carried the weight of the world on your shoulders; as though you carried The Cross.

I could observe from the distance I stood.
My mind wavered to whatever you could be going through.

I could envision you sitting in the corner of your room, just beside your bed, wearing a face filled with uncertainty, with fear.
No one was there to comfort you.
No one was there to say, "it will be fine".

I walked up to you as you kept on going.
You were blinded by your problems that you didn't feel my presence.
I was close to you, yet so distant.
Still, I could understand all that you were going through.

I raised my hands and touched you from behind.
You were shocked and you stopped in your tracks.
Your body shivered under the touch of my warm palms.
Slowly, you turned around and looked at me.
Yet, you could not see me.

"Are you okay?" I asked you.
"I'm pretty good." You smiled so beautifully that I was captivated.
I paused for a second and took in your beauty, and I'm certain that I would have believed your “I'm pretty good" if I hadn't seen you earlier, battling with your own problems.

"You don't have to be okay.
I know you are not okay,
but it's okay to not be okay.
I know you are going through a lot, and that is perfect.
But you need a shoulder to lean on. I'm offering you my shoulder, lean on me.
I'm asking you to be my friend, will you do me the honors?
I'm asking you to hold my hands, let me begin a journey of everlasting friendship with you. "

You turned away from me so that I would not see your tears. You did not want anyone to know your weakness but I found out.
I raised your head up and looked into your eyes.
Tears fell freely from your eyes, as you slowly looked into mine.

"Are you assuring me?" Your dainty voice asked.
"I promise." You hugged me tightly, as your tears continued to flow from your eyes.

I could feel all that you communicated to me through your hug.
You told me that you pride yourself with the thought that you were loved by all, but deep down, you knew that you were lonely.
You tell the world that you are okay, yet, you are broken.
At that moment, I took your hand and led you into my beautiful garden.
You tell me everyday that the world I have shown you is beautiful, and I am glad that with me, you are happy.

“That's how we met." I told Temmy.

"You know, the best decision I ever made in my life was to take your hands that day. Hasby, I love you." She smiled at me as I took her into my embrace.
I was enthralled by her beautiful smile and I would want to see the smile every day.
We have built ten years together, yet nothing has changed.
Through thick and thin, we moved unbeaten.
Through the storm and the calm, we did not derail.
Though we were broken to a thousand pieces through the years, we still were restored.
Though we were thrown into a thousand seas, we sailed back to shore. Together!

Our friendship, unending.
Our bond, unbroken.

© Haiza.