

The One
The right person will love your stupidities without a doubt,
Embrace your quirks, faults, and weirdness inside out.
They'll bear no judgment or harsh criticism,
Instead, they'll be tolerant with great pragmatism.

Your "laugh-out-loud" moments will make them smile,
And they'll enjoy every bit of time with you worthwhile.
Their ears will be patient, their hearts always open,
No matter how silly you may seem, they'll never be spoken.

The right person will cherish the moments spent,
Even those that your mind always took as an event.
The things that make you eccentric, inexplicably strange,
Would be to them like the craving for the ocean's infinite change.

Your flaws will be like a beautiful artwork,
Unique and one-of-a-kind in the world's chart.
They'll be enamored by your unapologetic spirit,
As you unveil the being that you genuinely exhibit.

The right person won't see your mistakes,
But instead, the qualities that make you glow like a cascade.
They'll see through your eyes, plunge in your soul,
And witness you as a whole, where nothing is dull nor old.

You'll never have to pretend or wear a mask,
Because you'll find peace in being your authentic self-task.
With every difference and similarity, they'll only love you more
For they know you're worth their time and effort that was worth it to explore.

The right person will see your imperfections,
As a beautiful arrangement of expressions.
Through every quirk, nuisance, and blunder,
They'll still cherish every smile and laugh like thunder.

So, please don't settle for anything less,
For the right person will love you to no excess.
They'll embrace your stupidities, quirks, and all,
And make you feel worthy of standing tall.

They'll be kind, supportive, caring, and true,
Making every moment spent with them completely brand new.
For in a world that's full of noise, chaos, and confusion,
The right person will love your stupidities with no illusion.

And as you both grow old together,
Their love for your failings will only flourish better.
For in their eyes, you're unique, remarkable, and special,
A masterpiece of art that they'll cherish as essential.

Never change for anyone,
Be your unique self in every dimension.
For the right person will come, of that, you can be assured,
And they'll love every part of the being inside from which you explored.

In conclusion, keep shining bright,
Your quirks and craziness show your light.
The right person will love your stupidities,
For they'll cherish every bit of your individualities.
© Jevanjee