

I'm positive there's something in the air, some kind of hallucinogen. Ever since I boarded this plane, I've been seeing things when I blink, very strange things. The hostess at the door was pretty and tall, when I blinked she was a wrinkled, hunched thing. I blinked again, pretty girl. Again, wrinkled thing.
I staggered back in confusion and she reached out a smooth/rough hand to steady me. I figured I was imagining things out of dehydration or something so I assured her I was fine and went to my seat in business class.
Now I'm in seat 5F and my neighbour in 5E has an eye on his warty chin when I blink. There's a strange smell in the air, something alternately soothing and irritating. My stomach is tight and my heart is pounding.The rail-thin lady across the aisle from me has no face when I blink, just smooth skin stretched over her head.
Another hostess has a third leg under her blue pencil skirt, it drags behind her as she walks the aisle. The gentleman in front of me has wings on his head; small, white ones that flap continuously. The pretty/wrinkled hostess appears at the front of the plane and walks towards me. I suppress my fear and signal her. She stops at my side with a polite smile on her normal face and an ugly snarl on her...other face.
I swallow audibly and attempt a smile. "Umm please what's that scent in the air? I think I'm having a reaction to it."
Her smile/snarl widens, "It's called Naked Truth," she says in a sweet/croaky voice. "It helps you see what truly is," she continues.
"What do you mean?" I ask in a small voice.
"Why don't you go up to the cockpit, darling? You'll understand everything." She leaves.
With heavy legs, I pull myself up and walk to the front of the plane. I try not to look at the other passengers, the glimpses out of the corner of my eyes drive me crazy. I make it to the cockpit door and push it open.
I see the copilot first, he is a well built man with a fleshy nose. When I blink, he is a lumpy mass of brown sludge...with no eyes that I can see! Bile rises to my throat so I turn to the pilot.
An obviously tall, distinguished looking man with silver hair, he handles the controls efficiently. When I blink, everything in me threatens to spue out of my mouth. The pilot is a cylindrical, shiny pink slug with no hands! It's just lying there facing the large window.
The pilot/slug turns to me and my mind begins to race. If what I see when I blink is the truth, and the pilot has no hands and the copilot is blind, then how the hell is this plane flying?