

" Love tragedy"

Once a girl met a guy..who was very different from other ,they spent some time with each other..they thought they are in love..A girl started believing in guy and she started smile,talk, cry,angry...each gesture of her speak about him only..she want relationship to be pure..
After 1week,3week and couple of months..that guy started behaving very strange to her..and she frequently started questioning to him for his behaviour ..and he started irritating from her..
Now , she started hardly believing on him bcoz he never tried her to tied with him in relation..he never tried her to express that really she meant for him or..not...
acually girl understood she is nothing for him ..because " a boy knows how to make relation...but he don't know how to keep relation in peaceful manner.." he know how to do job, how to talk relatives,how to share everything to friends..
But guy forgets that girl who is going to be his future..and all this relation in her ..a girl can take care of him after job..a girl can twingle her fingers in his hairs when he may have headache..a girl can listen his swingg moods..in good or bad moods..and now girl started overthinking about her relation..
but one day she understood that ..a guy will not able to stay with her ..he don't wan to be with her..
But luckily some1 came in her life who started loving her ..what she was doing for that guy...he started doing for her without a single word he heard from a girl..this z how she able to understand it was not her fault in relation..it was not working good from 1st guy..
she seprated from her 1st relation happily...and started living her life happily...

Conclusion: Don't be fool with youself..understand and move on ..be happy forever