

The Last Sang III
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself laying on the medical table. I pulled my arm to confirm I was not restrained and to my surprise I was not.
"Hello?" I called out into the darkness swinging my legs over to one side of the table.
"Where am I?" a man's voice answered from somewhere in the shadows.
"Your safe in the hands of the Sanguine Tribes, Grand Priest and community elder." I answered.
I felt my hands become clammy as the man emerged from the shadows. He was tall with long dark hair and a small patch of hair on his chin.
"Do you know what happened to me?" he asked his deep red eyes searching for answers.
I was breath taken by the color of his eyes, they were unlike anything I had ever seen before. He was truly fascinating.
"Well the simple answer is I accidentally saved your life trying to kill you, but if you are looking for a more scientific answer your going to have to wait for the doctor to become conscious again." I answered motioning to where my father's body sat propped up against the wall.
"Oh, did I?" he asked looking emaressed.
"Yes, but in your defense you were still infected. So really you had no idea what you were doing." I answered trying to comfort him.
"Wait what is today's date?" he asked suddenly becoming panicked.
"March fifteenth year twenty twenty." I answered perplexed.
"I have to go." he said abruptly as he scrambled to his feet and began pulling at the locked door. "Let me out of here." he demanded becoming irritable.
"I don't have the key." I answered calmly but still he became irritated and in lightning speed he had me against the wall by my throat.
"You need to get me out of here." he panicked slamming me up higher and higher.
"I told you I can't." I answered frightened as he choked the life from me.
Just as I was sure he was going to kill me he fell to the floor and my father stood behind him, blood dripping down his face with an empty needle in his hand.
"Is he dead?" I asked gasping for air.
"No just sedated." My father answered tossing the man's limp body over his shoulder.
"What was that?" I asked finally catching my breath.
"That was the miracle within your blood." he answered opening the door to the experiment room and tossing the man on the sofa just outside the door.
"You know what I mean, he came back yes but it's clear as day he came back different. What is going on with him, what has my blood done to him?" I asked demanding answers.
"To be honest with you I truly don't know. It was a long shot that your blood would even work on him. I'm going to keep him here a few days for observation before I can better determine what is wrong with him." he answered wiping the blood from his face with a hankercheif.
"You can't just keep him against his will, he's not a prisoner." I said defending the man.
"No but he may still be a danger to others. Look how he just attacked you and you want to stand here and defend his rights. You need to get your head on straight little girl." My father scolded.
"He freaked out because he thought he was being held captive, he was scared it's not his fault." I argued back.
"He's staying for further observation and that's final." he said sternly as he fashioned a restraint around the man's wrist tying him to the chair. "Dawn is fast approaching you will never make it home, please stay in our guest room until dusk." he offered and as much as I wanted to say no he was right I had no choice.
"That would be lovely." I answered the lie giving me a nauseating feeling deep in my core.
"Excellent I will send for someone to fetch you fresh sheets." he answered as we made our way up the stairs.
He closed and locked the door behind him. He was completely clueless to the fact that I watched carefully where he hid the key. I couldn't let my father hold an innocent man hostage. I didn't give my blood to turn this man into a prisoner, I gave it to save him and I had just the plan do it.