

Teenage Suicidal
A lot of us go through pain, heartbreak, insults and humiliation that causes us to end our lives because we feel like we are useless in life that life itself doesn't deserve us we belong to another world where there won't be pain and suffering, but there's always the truth behind this suicidal thoughts and behavior it is not about being possessed or what not. It is about how sensitive a person is see words come like thorns in someone's heart and that person will just choose to be happy with everything but once she reaches home all she could think about is those horrible words you said to her and she cries herself to sleep cursing herself thinking of killing herself to ease the pain and humiliation, while others are living in a house where family members always fight and that person see's this as a green light to finish her life because what's family after all? all they care about is showing and proving that they are always right and that person is wrong the ego's they have, the pride they have. A lot of children are born with gifts now I'm going to tell you this not every parent will be happy with the gifts the children have some children are gifted a gift of being a healer some are gifted a gift to be prophets but parents think that this is a curse that their children are witches that they perform witchcrafts now please I beg you do not take it the wrong way, besides parents there's also friends who look at you and judge you to how you look, how you dress and the gifts you have some are not even your friends they're just there to pull you down like parents do to their kids some parents pull the kids immune system down some even make the children to force themselves into suicidal mode and when they kill themselves they ask themselves why did she do it? She did it because she has heard enough of all the bullies at school of all the abuse at home of all the insults and humiliation because she is a gifted child and you don't understand her gift you cannot even love her like your own😭💔

parents, friends, Guardians I urge you to please talk to your children and understand what is happening with them. Children are scared to talk to their parents because they know parents won't even bother listening they'll think that the child has lost her mind. it is heartbreaking to always walk with a bright smile on your face everyday knowing inside they're thorns beneath your soul that are taking your breath away. please parents, guardians, friends let us love each other be there for one another and let's stop judging each one another yes she has a gift to become this and that but that specific gift she did not choose it she did not even ask for it God chose her and gave her this specific gift. I'm shattered about how this young girl took her life because of the gift she had her life was always painful she had to go to school just to get bullied and humiliated everyday. See one day your day will come and you'll also be bullied by your own flesh and blood your own friends when that day comes you'll remember my words. No body is perfect each and everyone of us are unique and loved by one person he will never leave you your friends will back stab you your family members will turn their back away from you because of your gift, but God Lord Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. ❤🥺

PS. I'm very sorry if I stepped on peoples toes I had to write this as I'm that child who cannot talk to my parents about everything because I know that they'll look at me and give me stink eyes and bad words coming like thorns I myself cannot even tell them where to get off😭💔 it hurts to be abused in your own home seriously😭💔

parents & Guardians I love you all but I urge you to have a talk with your kids let them feel wanted,loved and appreciated in life please😭🥺❤🌹
As for friends I really don't know what to say but all I can think of is if you feel that this friendship is draining you then let it go stop forcing friendships where you see that they are not even meant for you, yes she says she loves you but do you know that that's just a 5 letter word it doesn't even mean a thing until it has actions written all over it don't be fooled some friends are even jealous of you and how you grew into this amazing human being 🥺❤🌹 there's only one trustworthy friend and that's Jesus himself he is your father your friend your everything calk upon him he is right there besides you everyday ❤🌹😭

xoxo❤🌹 Amotheemotionalyoungwriter❤🌹