

UN Day
United Nations'inception has been recorded on 24th October 1945 where Trigweley of Norway was sworn as first secretary general in 1945. Recently It has been managed by Secretary General Former Portuguese PM Antonio Guterres. India became its member in 1945.
UN has six major organs suchas General Assembly; Social and economic council; Security council;Trusteeship council;International court of justice & Secretariat.
Current 75th General Assembly's President is Turkish diplomat Volkan Bozkir.
Balveer Bhandari represents india in ICJ that was instituted in 1921 in which 15 members and 9 years tenure are assented.
Its headquartered in Hague.
There are five permanent members of UN suchas US, UK, France, Russia and China whereas Ten non permanent members represent in UN. Ten members are appointed in every two years by Security Council.

Constitution of UN is charter in which 10,000 words, 111 sections and 19 parts.
Its headquartered in Newyork USA.
There are 193 members of nations of UN so far.

This Organisation is constituted after second World war to enhance peace and security to humanity because We know what we lost in world war so This type of organisation is inevitable.
Every year UN day is observed on 24th October to commemorate its Foundation.

© Wasim Azam