

Better than a dead mouse
The cry was faint but I heard it loud and clear as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source. In fact, it really wasn't the sort of neighborhood to be in for a house cat.
Normally I would be home warm and snug, cuddled up with my favorite human, with all the familiar smells and sounds. There definately was nothing that rattled my whiskers in my neighborhood, specifically my house.
But a cat has to do what a cat has to do when it comes right down to it. I had one mission and one mission only, to bring home the best gift ever for my human.
Once a year I set out on this mission, and as dangerous as it may be, it has always been worth it to see how much joy a present give my human tomorrow every year. My human and her human companion calls it Birthday. It seems to be a pretty special day.
My whiskers twitched at the sense of something moving just behind me. I already made it about a city block beyond the bushes I heard the faint cries of something.
Curiously enough I went against my first instinct to investigate and picked up speed once I heard the unfamiliar high pitched whimpers, even made me jump when whatever it was cried.
It didnt sound like anything I ever heard when I came to the city and the fact it had begun crying as I passed it only served to warn me to make my way back to more familiar territory.
The hairs on my body started prickling up, I froze and the unconscious mouse I scored fell to the cement at my paws. I turned just in time to see a small ball of fur roll of the curb. It began crying again, high pitched shrieks of pain and fear came from it.
I sniffed the air, which smelled slightly familiar. I couldnt quite place where or why it was familiar but before I knew it I had scurried over to the small furry ball to get a better look and smell.
I watched it roll on to its side. At that very moment it looked up at me and let out a small whimper pawing at the air. I immediately felt a surge of maternal instinct.
I had totally forgotten about the present for my human that I had dropped. All I could think of was getting tnis poor baby off the gtound and back home where it was safe.
And that is just what I did.
I was suprised that my human didnt mention me not bringing in her usual Birthday gift. Her reaction was purrfect, and it was another reason that she is my favorite human.
She and I were in tune with eachother without me having to say a word. She made a special bed, right next to mine because she knew I wasnt letting this thing out of my sight.
I watched her gently pick it up. It fit perfect in the palm of.her hand. Trembling, the ball of fur began crying more and more as it panicked.
My human was looking for injuries, holding it up in the light closer to her face my human exclaimed, " Oh My Goodness! Sonny! Come look what Sophie brought this year!! A tiny baby KITTEN!!"

AHh hah! I knew it smelled familiar.

The end.
© Daisy O'Day