

The Sacrifice
As the muslims know, we sacrifice meat for those people who cannot afford it. For other viewers, i am explaining below:
In our religious history, muslims have been sacrificing meat for the people who are not able to afford it or those who : cannot earn money on their own, are not able to walk, are disabled. We ( muslims ) sacrifice this once a year and its duty of all muslims who earn. Basically, its purpose is to let people feel that,"No one is rich or poor, we all humans are equal and wealth is not everything. We just need to sacrifice because this is the main thing..."
Let's come to the story:
His name is Khalid. He is a father of 3 children. As it has been happening from thousands of years. The Zilhajj( name of an islamic month) had started. And people were started to visit cattle farms to buy the animal for sacrification. Children of deserving people were very happy that they will eat food how much they want.
But a virus named as "Corona Virus" spreaded all over the world. Due to lockdown, people's work was going towards loss. Shortage of money was everywhere. Items which priced 100 Rs in normal days were priced 250 Rs in lockdown days.
But people sacrificed too. But the distribution of meat was not suitable. As from ever and ever it is happening, 50% people sacrifice to show off, but some people also have feeling for others in their heart. It happened this time too. Some people got the meat. Some slept hungry💔
In khalid's family, His wife served food to his children and they both slept hungry...
People stored the meat in their refrigerators to save for later, And the people for which meat is actually sacrified were sleeping as usual hungry.
"Hunger don't let you sleep easily"
The smell of meat coming from other's homes was burning the remaining energy in the body of hungry children and their parents.
In that year, uncountable number of people died due to hunger.
"Was it a sacrifice???"
No... It doesn't matter from which religion we belong. We have to sacrifice for others. Due to you, when a first bite of food will be in someone's empty stomach, just Imagine, with how much prayers you will be blessed.
Sacrifice is the name to give from heart happily. Its not how much meat you stored for you...