

Spending My Last Minute upon him...

I'm Akira Yamato an Half Japanese and half Filipino.I was diagnosed ‘Lukemia Terminal Stage’ and I have this friend of mine where in he promised me to be back and find me..

its been 10 years when we didn't seen each other.His father get him in Canada and I don't have any chance to say goodbye..

Now, I'm in Senior high school..
I'm loner...
No one can be friended in me...not until I met Gio Walterson he's a bad boy.and I hate him..his a sick of ass.he always ditch in a class.

A month after that day when our path meet.He ask me if he want me to court by him..I agreed,cause how much day and time I spend..before I die..

I answered him.now that his my boyfriend..I did my best to loved him I make him smile but something is wrong..he just want me to stay away from him.. well just meet if he wants to..
more days to come..my condition is getting worse..

Gio,invited me to go in their house..and surprising is he just want me to do his thesis and what can I do? I'm his boyfriend..so I did it..
When I've done his thesis.I went to their salas but no Gio I found..but only pictures I see..so I walk towards it..

I saw on one of the pictures mine..a small kid hugging and cuddling the other kid.I know this..

Now,I found him...
I found the person who promise me to be loved me..

but I'll let him know by his own...
cause I know he can recognized me by his own and by his Heart....

Gio's Point of View...

his smile seems familiar to me...
he cares about me...
he wants me only to be happy...

and he remember me by someone..
the kid I was known to be my closest friend..
but I don't know if he is...that someone.

After a week that I saw him holding the picture that only I cares..the picture of me and Kira the kid that I promised to be loved..

A week after that...
I tried to call Akira but he didn't answer it..I tried to find him at school..but they say..Akira will never enter school again...
my world starting to break..
I've miss him...
and it start to feel me this way..when we accidentally kissed at my house...

I tried to find way their home...
and I did...
I saw a lady infront of their house holding bags..I walk towards her ..

"excuse.. do you were Akira Yamato lives in?"I ask the Lady..

"How do you know my son?"she ask me back..

So, She's Akira's mother..

"Ma'am where is Akira?I want to talked to him..I want to know why he shut me out"as I said.

"follow me..cause I don't have the rights to tell the reason..are you Gio?Akira's boyfriend?"she ask and I nooded

We arrived at the hospital..
what are we doing here?is Akira is here?why?

we reached up one one of the room and Akira's mother opened it.I saw Akira laying on hospital bed..

he looks so sick.
His skin are so pale...like....I don't know what does it called...

I walk towards him and cares his hair...

"what happen to you?"I ask as my tears are slowly falling to my eyes...
