Reaper swooped down too soon to claim my life-I was just a fourteen year old at the time.Darkness simply swarmed my vision,and purred at me to walk aimlessly,for that was all I could do.I do'nt know how i'm still alive without having eaten or drunk anything for so long.I'm fifteen now,if you were wondering.Not a whole lot older and still encompassed in inky blackness.My feet feel so sore,jets of pain are searing the soles of them.But onwards with the walking,and let us backtrack time to the past a bit to while away the present.My life before dying would be(and is the only)good point to start from,yes?
It all started at eleven 'o clock,sharp.I was born without any significant...
It all started at eleven 'o clock,sharp.I was born without any significant...