

antorjatik indrojale Ritwikda part 1
It was an ordinary Monday morning, Puja holidays had commenced, I was in my third and last year of college and Ritwikda was in India for the duration of Puja upto Kali Puja, but we weren't sweating the vacation, we were pretty laid back, smoking, drinking etc, I had had a rough fight with my girlfriend, and in a fit of rage had deleted all our photos from the gallery, but still, she was the only one I loved, I wasn't a swinger, neither could anyone compare to her, so I was pretty pissed. However weed and liquor were here to save the day, I did not like cigarettes as much as bidis, especially we had a brand called Durga near our hostel and I was incredibly loyal to it, now I was taking the masala out of the bidi and pouring the weed in, Ritwikda preferred to smoke it out of the GoGo itself, well I hated rolling and stuff so I did it the traditional way, I had the good fortune of having smoked from a chillum one time, it was dope. Ritwikda was just pouring himself another glass of gin while he was looking at some of his students' projects. His PhD was in the middle stage of completion, and he was getting annoyed at the clerical tasks that Carolina University had put him to.
There was a ring on the doorbell, Ritwikda signalled me to get it, so I went up and opened the door. Outside stood a man in a suit, apparently from his appearance not someone from around here.

'Is this Ritwik Nag's house?'
'Yeah, please come in', I said.

Ritwikda had put on trousers and a jacket meanwhile, and so I led our guest to our dining room sofa.

'Mr Nag', our guest addressed him. 'I am Denezius White, from New York, I met your good friend Abhishek Roy at a party organized by the University Of Rochester, and I shared my problems with him, there, he told me since I was visiting India during fall, I could get help from you.'

I looked at him closely, Denezius White was a ridiculous name for someone who clearly was of South East Asian origins. But I couldn't fathom anything else, before Ritwikda spoke, ' So, Mr White, what brings you here, today?'

'Mr Nag my life has been full of twists and turns,and stuff that I'd never even fathomed, I don't know where I was born, the first thing I remember was the face of my matron, Maisie in the Protestant Christian orphanage in Richmond, Virginia. People used to adopt kids from the orphanage, I got adopted at the age of three, I was a quiet kid, never seeking a fight with anyone or never seeking to look bigger or better than anyone, I just remember the first time I saw Mrs Patricia White, she asked me my name and I replied, she asked me why I was sitting in the corner, away from all the fun, I replied that I liked to sit in the corner, later they adopted me, Mr Benjamin White and his wife Mrs White, Mr White loved me a lot, but I think he was more proud of me than he loved me, Mrs White loved me like...