


This story is completely fictional,if you are a fan of Marvel or DC or any Anime content then I hope you will love this story. Each chapter is related to eachother so please complete previous chapters before coming into this,and if you find any kind of mistakes comment me so that I can rectify it!!




Elias dreaming........
Narrator :Five years ago,a young man with his beautiful wife(who was pregnant) had a boy and an adopted daughter went to the museum for spending their holidays to enjoy the history of the Earth,That man works for a medicine company and due his hard work he became the best employee of the season, that's why he was offered a family trip from the company so they all went together. Entire family was having fun,all of them were enjoying skeleton of dinosaurs and other extinct creatures,but all of sudden few men just busted into the hall by killing the guards and used the people inside as hostage,and unfortunately that young man along with his family were among the hostages.The leader of those criminals said outloud that they have nothing to do with them they just need few bone sample of each and every species after that they will leave,as the museum was so popular for its collection so no other electronic devices were allowed except the cameras so none of the visitors had their cell phone with them, all of sudden a watchman just rash towards the leader and the leader just swallowed him through his hand!
Leader: I sincerely advice everyone not to harm anyone until you co-operate, once our work is done we will leave immediately!!
Narrator : (with a freaking voice) you guarantee??
Leader : I am a man of words,I don't hurt anyone who don't have anything to deal with my mission, you are quite safe!!
(a ball from Claire's hand just slipped out,and fall near the leader's leg)
Leader : (picked up the ball,and stepped near her) what's your name dear??
Claire :(hiding behind her mother)
Mother : sorry! it's just accidentally slipped from her hand, don't hurt her!!
Leader :(saw that lady is pregnant,and pat her head) you have a baby there!! don't get scared,if you do then the baby will also get scared,it will cause harm to it!!I have a boy too,i know what are the responsibilities parents have to take for their child! what's your daughter's name??
Mother : Claire!!
Leader : Claire!! what a sweet name!! (returned the ball to Claire) I think it belongs to you!!
Claire : thank you!! what's your name!!
Leader : it's BAJO!!
Claire : Bajo!!
Bajo : huh!! (pointing towards 10year old Elias)is he your brother??
Claire : haa..hmm...he is Elias!!!

Elias : (waked up from the dream)Bajo...Bajo...Bajo...I will find that guy and make him suffer the hell!!
Sorren : (knocked the door of Elias) hey,wake up we have to train today, everyone's awake
Elias : yo!! let's go!!


Sorren : 1498
Elias : 1499
Sorren : 1500

Narrator : a man just recently jumped into the premises of the Thale!!
Pablo: who are you!! Sir??
Zepre : oh-hai-oo!!
Sorren : it's Zepre
Zepre : you are here Sorren!! sorry to know Aro is dead!!
Pablo : sir! you are not allowe-
Zepre :(just swiped his fingers and teared Pablo into two pieces)
Narrator : both Elias and Sorren got goosebumps... everyone in the manson felt the energy that just released a second ago!!

Scene 2-

Narrator : on the night of festival,while everyone is in joy Okkoe recieved a letter from a eagle (this is the way how the Hasimottos' send message to their loved ones even if their tecnology is way developed) but this time the letter was different, it's the king itself and it's for help, so Okkoe just immediately leave the function and about to leave while Gin asked him what the urgent?? Okkoe avoided Gin,but as Gin and Okkoe are good friends so Gin wasn't in mood to leave his friend alone!! Okkoe have a "lamborgini centenar" but still will take half of a day to reach,and following him Gin was on his Kawasaki.

Gin : (while riding bike, knocked Okkoe's door) wanna race???
Okkoe : (while driving)I told you not to come with me!
Gin : oyi oyi relax! Am just visiting my friends kingdom!!

Narrator : On the next morning both of them just reached at the kingdom of Hasimotto, their they found that there are smokes from everywhere of their kingdom and the emperial tower(king's palace) also have some portions broken, people's were wounded and a lots of people including soldiers and civilians are lying dead,the casualties are high!!

Gin : what the hell on earth just happened!!
Okkoe : why the hell you are here!

suddenly a voice just pounded over the entire Kingdom "he he Okkoe, you back, you brought another friend of yours!!nice !! "

Okkoe : who are you??
Voice : ohhh you wanna see me!! why don't you entre the tower and meet be yourself !!
Okkoe : (stepped in)
Gin : (followed Okkoe)

Suddenly a group of rebels just jumped in between Gin and Okkoe to restrain Gin entering the tower!
Voice : just you Okkoe!! I have send few of my friends to play with your friend so that he won't get bored.

Okkoe : oye Gin, turn on the 5th reactor on the third floor of the tower,this will bring the weapons online! after that meet me at 10th floor!!And one more thing feel free to do anything with them!
Gin : aye aye captain!!
Rebel 1: oye kid!! do you really think you can pass us!!
Gin : it's been a long time I have turn off my switch!
Okkoe (took the lifts to the 10th floor)
Rebel 3 : ohh really, oooo I got scared!!

Narrator : after that the only thing we hear is crushing of bones!

Gin : ( with a purple aura) you must be scared!!
Okkoe : (reached the 10th floor,and saw the king was lying unconscious)(he dashed towards him, but another group of rebels just pounded there restrain Okkoe to come near the king,and then a footstep appears)
Voice : what so rush! lets have some fun!
Okkoe : (looked the face of the person) General Keaton???(behind him was another man who seems more stronger than the general,he might have gone neck to neck with the king)
Keaton : oh! you remembered this face!
Okkoe : why you doing this??
Keaton : why don't you ask yourself!! a filthy mere soldier like you just posted a higher rank than me only just for showing some courage to save the king! I have spend my whole life serving this damn kingdom and all I get is taunts, people made fun of me, even my comrades didn't listened me, just because of you,if you haven't shown your filthy face that day nothing would have happened!
Okkoe : if that's the matter why didn't you fight me alone!! there is no need to target the capital, and there is nothing to do with the king!!
Keaton : ohh that !! don't you remember the man who just promoted you!! it's only him, and as much you are responsible he is too(he just stepped his foot over the chest of the King)
Okkoe : don't do it Keaton!
Keaton : bye bye Leofwin (King of Hasimotto)(and just gave a thrust to King and a portion of that floor just shattered)
Okkoe : (with anger) You die! (with emense speed dashed towards Keaton) (and the sword fight begins)

Scene 1

Elias : (shouted) Paaaabblloooooo
Zepre :( preparing for another attack)
Sorren : (hold Elias and jumped back)
Kale : (suddenly from above)(with hammer with fire)(strike straight over Zepre)(explosion was large)
Zepre : (just holding his burning hammer)is this all you got!!
Kale : (got his eyes big)what!!
Zepre : (was about to punch Kale)(suddenly a staff just entered to Zepre's zone and managed to hit him)(it was none other than Riona)
Riona :(asked kale) you okay!!
Kale : yeahhh! thanks you saved me!! where is Gurren and Babel-san!!
Riona : Gurren is with newbies, someone just attacked the village now!
Kale : what! let them handle that,and we will deal with this guy!!
Riona :
Zepre : ha-ha-ha, deal with me!! a manipulator of flame and a wind!

Narrator : Rhythm technique is divided into 3 types :
(1) creator : those who can use elemental power by changing the texture of their aura.
(2) manipulator : can manipulate the elemental attributes by using weapons made of a special ore.
(3) modifier : can use ability of animals and also can change their body shape.


Gin : (entered into the 3rd floor)(entered into the chamber of the 5th reactor)(and he was about to switch on )(suddenly a massive wind just blown and pushed him back) what the hell is that!!

Vx : I'm the hell is that!!

Narrator : a guy with mask just appeared,abd and he was quite strong than the rebels Gin fought few times ago!!

Gin : you are no hell!!
Vx : hahh!! do you really think you can pass me!!
Gin : (saw the Narrator was hiding behind a pole,he just went close to him and grab his neck and shouted) listen you damn!! I don't know what have you done in my looks, everyone I fought is saying the same damn thing "oye kid do you think you can beat me" if anyone further says me the same thing,I gonna kill you!!

Vx : oye oye!!!
Gin : stop your damn oye oye!! am already pissed of about this damn Narrator and if you want yourself is good shape then step aside,I just wanna pull that lever and move on my way!!
Vx : hooo!! scaryy! but that not gonna happen!
Gin : as expected! I think i have to use force then!
Vx : really!! common try it!!
Gin : (with purple aura ,dashed and try to hit a punch)
Vx : (dodged Gin's move and countered with a wind attack)
Gin : (got that vital hit)(still survived)that was close!! thank god to my instincts!!
Vx : you impressed me kid!(i think i felt this ki somewhere before)(showed his green aura)do you really think you still beat me!!
Gin : yeah!! but not at this level!!
Vx : hooo!! you have something interesting then!!
Gin : (deep breathe)"Dark Domain" 20%!!
Vx : (with noticeable eye)I remember this power, it's as same as-
Gin : (with a better speed and strength)(crushed him)(then pulled the lever)(the weapon system came online)
Keaton :(while fighting with Okkoe,find the weapons are backing online) impossible!! there is no one here enough to beat him!! how did -
Okkoe : if you have placed someone weak like you there!! then this is fate what you will face in every future!!
(Okkoe just managed to make a cut over Keaton)
Keaton : you are getting this wrong!! he is the one who is in charge of this attack,and none of you see here stood a chance against him!
Gin : what the nonsense you are speaking out!! he was strong but not that much!
Okkoe : (with a huntch) Gin!!

Narrator: taking the distraction of Okkoe, Keaton activated his rhythm first and dashed with speed towards Okkoe, but Okkoe's reflexes are fast enough to made him dodge his attack, but still Okkoe got a cut over his face! and got confused!!

Okkoe: I just dodged him with a 30 cm distance, but he managed to made a cut!
Keaton: (again dashed towards him)
Okkoe : (dodged again)(still got a cut) damn!! what the hell is happening!
Keaton: ( dashed again)
Okkoe : focus!! focus!! focus!!(Okkoe just take his swords out and just cut the air out side the perimeter of Keaton's sword)
Keaton : whattttttt!!!!
Okkoe : I don't know what kind of rhythm is that but it has effect outside the sword and extended approx 30-45 cm,I know your limits now!! let's begin!!(Okkoe just activated his rhythm)
(but suddenly that other guy who's just watching their battle just jumped into Okkoe)
Keaton : Heyyyy!! I told you not to come in between my battle, curse you "Shred"
Shred : haaa! you alone can't beat him,and I found him intresting,I just wanna taste it's blood!!(evil smile) coming through!!
Gin : Oye Okkoe!! wanna help!!
Okkoe : you stay out of this!! this is my kingdom!!
Shred : stop talking!!(a barrage of punches) focus on me!!

Narrator : this fight is between muscle and sword, their movements are so fast!!Shred's punches are so powerful that a single distraction or a single contact with body can shatter Okkoe's bones,but due Okkoe's overwhelming skills, Shred is also getting frustrated,with a massive amount of strength and speed he still wasn't able to strike Okkoe once!!

Keaton : (find an opening between their fight to strike down Okkoe)
Okkoe :(watched Keaton's sword coming but he can't do any movement,it was a checkmate situation)
Keaton: Gotchaaa!!!
Gin : "Dark Domain" 30%(and just stopped Keaton's sword with his one hand, standing straight)
Keaton : (with big eyes) impossible!! wait!! this power, don't tell me you are....

Narrator : a echoing voice just happened "Long time no see Brother"

Gin : (got his sweat at the instant)
Dune : ( just jumped between Keaton and Gin)
Gin : (with a dense eye) Dune!!


Narrator : Riona and Kale are against Zepre, they were trying their best but still Zepre(the leader of Vipers) is on a whole different level!
Gurren : (to Sorren and Elias) you guys okay!!
Sorren : yep!!

Narrator : suddenly Gurren ,Elias and Sorren heard the villagers shouting outloud, and Sorren remembered that Serren was in the village,so Sorren was about to dash!
Gurren : wait!! I'm coming with you!!
Sorren : arigato Gurren-senpai but Riona and Kale needs you more than us, can't you feel that overwhelming strength of Zepre! I don't know what happened after that battle but he is a way more stronger now,Kale and Riona won't last for long! Gin-san and
Okkoe -san is not here, and we don't know where Babel-san is!!! I don't think it's just a mere attack,they are here for something so precious here! and I don't sense any strong power in the village,me and Elias will be able to handle that!
Gurren : (with such a little age he just figured out the situation, amazing!) but you should take care of yourself!
Sorren : hmmm
Gurren : (just backed to the support Riona and Kale)
Sorren : Elais let's go!!(but he saw Elias in fear) damn!! come on you get up!!
Elias : I can't!! I can't compete!!
Sorren : (with disappointment)huh!! stay here until someone came to help you! I'm gonna save my sister and those villagers!!(sorren dashed towards the village)


Sorren :(worrying about his sister)(saw a herd of people with guns, making those villagers into a row,and guarding them to a truck)(if any villager trying to oppose get killed by that instant)
Serren :(with slow crying voice) brother!! brother!! help me!! where are you!!
Sorren : (looking minutely each and every person in the queue)(he get assured that Serren wasn't there!)she is not there!! I should take eyes on the shelters!

Narrator : Sorren with so much of cautiousness moved in and out of every house for looking of Serren! He was digging out each and every possibility and finally for God's grace he heard a voice!! it was Serren, muttering in fear "help me brother" but the twist in the part is two people heard that voice!!

Serren : (after seeing Sorren)(with tear)
Sorren : hey dear!! you okay!!
Ajak : (behind Sorren)how cute!!
Sorren : (remembered that Voice)(reacted immediately)(without even thinking once he lift up Serren and dashed)
Ajak : (caught Sorren) where are you going!!!!(evil smile)
Sorren : if you want anything from me then say it,but leave my sister out of this!
Ajak : If I say ,I want your sister!!
Sorren : then I will go all out against you!!
Ajak : even if you try you can't even scratch me!! you haven't discovered your rhythm yet! and without your rhythm you can't do a thing to me!!
Sorren : (with big eyes) (and little fear)
Ajak : (stepped towards Sorren)
Sorren : (wanted to dash, but he was completely surrounded by Ajak's men)damn it!! (suddenly he remembered Yamagishi's Voice)

Narrator : Yamagishi always says that "yours rhythm resides under what you like to do the most, and to activate that you must face the extreme situation of your life"

Sorren : ( remembered Yamagishi's words) Arigato Yamagishi sensi!!, right now I'm facing the extreme condition of my life where I have to protect my sister,the villagers and also slay all you down one by one, right now! and right here!!
Ajak : so you get some nerves! show me what you got!! I will give you one minute to activate your rhythm! after that I will take your sister!
Sorren : (lift off Serren) (concentrated so hard and think what he likes to do the most)(it's so tough to decide,as a gangster he is fond of guns,games, gamble and many things)
Ajak : time is running up!! you got 10sec left!! 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!! times up!!(with a thrust Ajak moved towards Sorren)
Serren : (shouted)brotherrrrrrr!!
Sorren :(dramatic music)(within a flash he remembered, among everything he do,the thing what he loves to do is to snap) SNAP!!(a high amount of electricity just barraged)
Ajak : whatttttt!!

Narrator : there is smoke everywhere and arround a 20 meter long crack just appeared on the crust and at the end is Ajak lying flat over there!!!

Serren : oni-chan!! you like to snap!! I never knew!!
Sorren : yeah!! I always snap whenever I wanna call my assistant!! I never called him once by his name,I always snap to call him, and he took last breathe on my hands on that night the Vipers attacked!! and I think I like that most, because he appeared immediately as fast as electricity whenever I snap my fingers!!
Serren : you mean "Stewart"
Sorren : yeah!! I just miss him more than anything I lost!!
Ajak : what about if I send you back to your assistant!
Sorren : whattt!!
Ajak : ahhhaaaa!! that's quite an effective blow,if I hadn't acted fast that barrage may have taken one of my arm!!now it's my turn to show my power!!haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!(a tremendous amount of life energy just piked of Ajak's body)

Narrator : Elias sensed Ajak's aura,and felt that Sorren, Serren,and the villagers all are in danger!!Elias wanted to help but, his inner fear is killing him! Elais was always a normal kid, but after that day on the museum,he became a freak guy,but after he meet Brady he began to change but after that Brady fell into a different fate,this made Elias broken,now after that incidence he came to "Blue tree academy" here he meet some new friends a different environment and now this thing at the verge of war!
Elias : I can't be always be that same,if I could be little strong then I might be able to protect Brady,I may not change the past but I can't let the past to repeat itself!! "This time I'm going to fight with others" hold a little Sorren, I'm coming!!!

Ajak : (to Sorren)(while walking towards him)if you practice over your rhythm then within few years you might be able to match me!! but that fate of yours is not happening!begone brat!!(with a thrust Ajak jumped over Sorren)

Scene 1

Narrator : Riona and Kale are struggling against Zepre!!
Zepre : haa!! I'm getting bored now!! now it's time to end this!!
(suddenly a gun just fired)(Zepre dodged those bullets in air)(but suddenly those bullets changed it's direction) whatttttt!!!(and it's a clean hit)
Gurren : (to Riona and Kale)are you guys okay??
Riona and Kale : Gurren!!
Riona : where is Elias and Sorren??
Gurren : I don't sense much danger ,and Sorren assured me that they will be fine!!
(but suddenly Ajak activated his rhythm while fighting against Sorren)

Narrator : Gurren,Riona and Kale got their eyes big, because they are in a situation where they can't help Elias and Sorren!!
During this entire battle, Yamagishi is still in the mansion and just sitting in his throne and don't even moved once!
Everyone out there is expecting Yamagishi to help but that's not happening!!
Zepre : you got me!!!but this is enough for today,let me finish my job!!(the energy which was possessed by Zepre earlier is multiplied twice)
Gurren : damn!!
Kale : no queries!!
Riona : I'm not gonna give up this easily!
Gurren : I like that spirit of yours, let's get this bastard!! and show him what we are made of!!
Riona, Kale, Gurren : I'm going to surpass my limits right now right here!!!

Scene 3

Narrator : Finally Elias got motivated,he is now dashing with his full strength to save Sorren and others! Meanwhile Sorren is fighting against Ajak, but the fight is just one sided,all the odds are with Sorren, Sorren's Kaminari attacks not even doing a slight damage to Ajak!
Now Ajak is getting bored of seeing these guts of Sorren, so this time he tries to finish of Sorren with a blow!!
Ajak : you are a quite good fighter,but all your efforts will lost in vain, you can't stop me!!
Sorren : (with broken ribs,and some other bones, bleeding to it's bone but not let Ajak to touch his sister or even his men to carry a single villager in his presence)I will stop you until I'm breathing!
Ajak : why don't I stop it myself!! You fought like a warrior so I won't give you a lame death!! (a massive energy just get concentrated in Ajak's fist)
Sorren : ni-ge-ro Serren!!
Serren : (instead of running away she ran towards Sorren an stood up to protect his brother by taking her own life)
Ajak : (already made a momentum so he can't either stop himself, because he need Serren for some reasons)
Narrator : (Dramatic music) it's Elias! transformed his one hand into somehow a bigger muscular arm and there are some dark appearance around his eyes!!
Elias : (exhaled)Like the hell! I would let anyone die infront of me again!(then Elias charged a round kick right into the chin of Ajak)
Ajak :(Felt a few metre back)(took a stand)Impossible!! a brat like you can't stop this !!
Sorren : if he can stop one of your best attacks,then I can create something better to kill you!!
Ajak : (hearing the voice looked up)
Sorren : (jumped high)(just pointed his right arm towards Ajak))"ROAR"(a powerful birraze of lightning appeared which is thrice as powerful as Sorren's first lighting attack)
(Everyone fighting over the Thale just saw that barrage)

Scene 1

Zepre : (thinking) (that's a nice attack)
Riona,Kale ,Gurren : (increased their rhythm)(and dashed towards Zepre )
Narrator : Riona's staff just crushing everything around it ,and Kale's fire is burning the surrounding and Gurren's bullets just shattering everything on Gurren's will!!This time Zepre is getting tough hands and also get some good hits and their battle is immense,dense and trembling!!
Reading the situation, before the entire battle begins, Babel first dahsed towards the gate to guard the "Blue Tree"!! Babel heard Yamagishi and Pablo's talk at the night of festival when the fruit appeared! He heard Yamagishi saying "the time has come" so taking that thing into a notice Babel took his actions to save the "Blue Tree" and the "Fruit"!
During that entire battle was going on Yamagishi is still on his throne and not even reacted once!No one knows what Yamagishi is thinking but the man with power to take down the odds is not even moved once!

Scene -2

Narrator : Meanwhile Dune just entered into the battle field! His debut in the battle give Gin goosebumps!!
Dune : Long time no se brother!
Gin : Dune!! what are you doing here?
Dune : what I told to do!!
Gin : what do you mean by that!!
Dune : we are here to collect the Hasimottos's precious ore!
Gin : ore??
Okkoe : the "living ores" the weapons made from those will choose the person who will wield it!! My sword is one if it!! There are only 7 weapons created from this ore ,and now we have the last one which your brother is holding!!
Gin : where are the others??
Okkoe : those weapons will get vanished into dust if their master die!the previous ones are vanished after death of their masters!
Dune : there is one thing you are forgetting!! " before the master die if that weapon find someone more worthy then that weapon can still exist!!
Okkoe : what do you mean by that!!
Dune : why don't we keep it secret!!
Shred : enough talks Dune!! we got what we want let's move out!!
Dune : shut up!! don't you know how to talk to your boss!! You guys do your buisness with that sword guy let me talk with my brother!!

Narrator : as Gin just turned on the weapon systems,the AI defence system and the weapons of the soldiers came online!! The AI is scanning the outsiders,and the soldiers managed to capture those rebels and when the AI began to scan the intruders inside the "Hasimottos's Emperial tower",and he scanned Gin and Dune as intruder,so the weapons targeted the "Fuji brothers"
and begin to fire!!
Dune : I think we can talk later brother if you stay alive then!(the gun fire begins)
Gin : I'm not letting you go Dune!!
Dune : "open the voids"
Okkoe and Gin : (saw two voids opened one for Dune and another for Shred and Keaton) I'm not letting you go!!
Gin : (jumped over Dune) (both the brothers brust out of the Emperial tower)
Dune : oyi oyi! don't let me go offensive over you Gin!!
Gin : you have already done that!!
Gin and Dune :(both activated) "Black Domain"
Okkoe :" Aoki rhythm Mantis"

Narrator : Mantis may look so tiny in size but the speed of it's striking to its predator it only needs 50-7o milliseconds! Okkoe is not even near to that speed even at his best performance but still speed enough to strike 2-3 attcks faster than eye blink!!

Okkoe : ( activated his rhythm)(with a thrust towards the void)(and with a powerful strike destroyed the Void) I'm going to slay you to your bones!!
Shred : two against one!! don't be in rush kid!!
Okkoe : you haven't seen my rush yet!
Keaton : (after watching Okkoe's rhythm) you got some skills then!!
Okkoe : those are not skills, it's your death!!

Narrator : now the battle at Hasimotto Kingdom is going more wild!Both the brothers have activated their"Black Domain" Gin is at 30% while Dune is at 40%, Dune still have an upper hand but Gin is fighting for his friend so he isn't even holding back! while Okkoe is at rage against two, Shred just took out a pair of claws and Keaton with is rhythm,it was just for name that the battle is "two against one" but Okkoe have completely overpowered both!

Narrator : The things are going to a different level, situations are being more tough,and this is just the beginning of the "Ragnarok"

The next chapter of RAGNAROK will be soon before that keep enjoying the chapter 1 and comment me your best moments!!


© P.S.Bidhan Kumar