

Tales Of Sin
What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow?

Rom 6:1 AMP
Oh, I had to use this scripture to step in. Most Christians have this same thought in their mind while going about their day to day life. It has indeed become a nomadic thought. Subconsciously passing on to generations of Christiandom.
Sin has no excuse. The moment we justify it, we become enslaved by it. It begins to rule our mind and our defence mechanisms become ultimately low. Do not look for ways to claim excuses. Own it.

To be free from sin, you need to own up to your mistakes. If you run from the truth, you will keep being dragged into more lies that ultimately culminates in death.

With that said, so many of us feel that we still have time. Ok, let’s wait till the prime of our life. We will repent then. I mean, God’s grace is sufficient and we can easily be forgiven for all our atrocities. But at the moment, it’s more appropriate to live our best lives.

The Chain called SIN won’t leave until you batter it by the WORD OF GOD.

The youths are always a victim of this. You can’t wait for an uncertain tomorrow. Do what you have to do now. Your best life isn’t living in sin, but living in truth. Life waits for no man, so don’t wait for life to throw lemons your way before going towards the path of righteousness.

God’s grace abounds sufficient. Yes. Should we take advantage of it? No.

There is a limit to everything. If you take things for granted, you may be shocked about the repercussions. As much as God is all living, yet, he is no respecter of persons. When you draw nigh to him, he draws nigh to you. When you go away from him, he goes away from you.

Do not expect a different treatment, because you were born in the church, sleep in the church and known by the members of your church. If you live in sin, but love to show off as a good Christian –the Bible calls you a hypocrite.

In our walk with God, we need to fall in line with His thoughts, principles and expectations. You need to understand that living right boosters your faith and growth. You become transformed in your thoughts and soul. You can achieve this by asking God to lead you.

You can’t do it all on your own. You need to cut down pride and go back to your source. The source of your strength which is God’s throne. No matter how big of a Christian you claim you are. You need God at every moment.

Don’t crouch in sin. Don’t make a mockery of salvation. Learn to let go of habits that kill your soul. Inculcate good habits. When God shows you where you’re missing it, fix it. Don’t argue with him.

If HE says, don’t support Transgenders, don’t support. According to the bible, flee front appearance of evil. Stop watching WhatsApp or any social media status that has sexual status. If the contacts are business oriented, mute their status. Do this, so you don’t fall short of the glory of God.

Being too curious, often leads to our downfall. Curiosity kills the cat. I see many people going under comments, saying since you’re a Christian, why do you hype this particular post up. Commenter, what are you doing in a post that isn’t Christlike mocking another Christian. You have no business being there in the first place. Be guided.

Tales of Sin are etched in the recess of our minds. You have a choice to choose the path of truth or lies.