

Decision ; Chapter 8
Whole night I was unable to sleep properly. Next morning I got up early, quickly took a bath and got fresh and directly went to dad. Dad and mom both were in their room drinking tea. I came in and wished them morning. Then I sat on the corner of the bed. Dad was sitting in front of me and mom beside him on a chair.“Dad I want to talk to you something.”I said
“Yeah sure, speak.”dad said warmly.
“Dad,mom I've decided on my profession. Please support me.”I spoke everything out about my plans for my future and how I'll be doing it.
Mom and dad both were happy with my decision.Mom gave me a hug and both gave thier blessings.

20 Years later,
Hii everyone . I'm Aayla actually Dr. Aayla. I'm too a professor in a medical college. Yeah I got married between my journey of becoming a doctor. I've a four years old son and a lovely husband. My husband is too a doctor and today is something special.Today is the opening ceremony of our hospital.
Oh there comes mom and dad.I went to receive them. Mom kissed my son and he took his grandma to show the huge cake. We all had ceremonial ribbon cutting ceremony. Just after cutting the ribbon dad kept his hand on my head and those magical words came out from his mouth for which I have waited for years,“I am proud of you .”

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