

Archaic Partings V - (Prose)
I’ve been occupying my time wisely, I sleep more, do more things that I didn’t have the motivation to do before & continuously dumping the rubbish that have been sitting in my mental space & clearing my heart centre, open its window, airing it out & allowing only love, positivity & fresher kind of people to enter & cherishing their friendships, affections & tenderness.

The thing is, you are the owner & tenant of you, you have the power to empty anything within that is only going to take a massive space yet it is no longer practical for your living purpose.

Spring clean yourself, get rid of the old cobwebs & wipe the dusty past from your ceiling, skirting boards & window sills, move & rearrange your furniture within because you are the controller of what/who will stay & must you throw/evict when it’s no longer matching the colour of your desired decor or fits in the bedroom of your heart —

#Prose #Selfcare #Mentalhealth
© D C de Oliveira || Archaic Partings V || May 17 2018 || Thursday 5.27am
#Poetizer #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #quote #quotes #writersontumblr #spilledink