

Yes, It's friendship!!
It's not loving.
It's pure friendship.
Why there is a misconception that there shouldn't be love in friendship.
If they didn't love each other they couldn't be friends for so long.
Many people have misunderstood the feeling of love is dating, physical intimacy, etc.,
But the real fact is. it's not.
There is love between parents and child, between siblings, between friends, etc.,
The only difference is that each and every love is different and their way of showing is unique.
But people questioned her continuously mistaking she and her friend are dating and they are going to get married and have kids.
Yes, I Agree sometimes it's hard to find a friend in your better half.
But that doesn't mean that every girl should marry her best friend.
In some cases, friends can get marry and they can move on to their next step of life.
But isn't it silly to expect in each and every case?
Even though it's a friendship, they can miss each other when they are not around and they can feel each other emotions.
Some relationships are meant to be in the way they are.
So Don't force your opinions on a girl and let that beautiful relationship in the way it is..!!

© Dhanu Venkat