

We journeyed from the start,
With our hands placed in our hands
We fought doubts encountered,
Without breaking a sweat in prance
On arriving the so thought target,
We agreed we had come to the end
Unaware of the obstacle,
That would be found lurking ahead
Getting to the place in the woods,
We were welcomed with open arms
By cherubs who took us in,
And made us a home in their tavern
So thirsty from the odyssey,
We were shown to the portion bar
There we saw some folks like us,
Who had taken the same route
We stood in line to be served,
Alongside those we saw, in duo's
But our being served got declined,
As we lacked the requirement to
I pondered on what had happened,
As we stepped out the queue in shame
I thought we had it settled,
I thought we had this arranged
Then I reached for your hand,
And you were nowhere to be found
Since we found out 'reciprocated love',
Was the one requirement we lacked
It turns out I was blindfolded,
By what you told me, your façade
I loved you that I knew,
Now I know you didn't love me back
To gain passage through guard posts,
It could be said I was used all along
Cause I thought we both felt the same,
And it just so happens I was wrong...

© Cogua