

Do you know what's the greatest absurdity? The answer is- being Human without knowing about humanity. Have you ever asked yourself what are you. A pile of useless thoughts and emotions. If I ask you what are you apart from these thoughts and emotions? you will answer that you are soul. this is the greatest absurdity. You yourself don't know what is soul and you just heard about soul from the Religious texts. Are you actually soul or the copy cat of those religious texts? Ok I assume that you are A pure soul then why do you define yourselves only as humans? Does only Humans have souls? What about other Creatures on this Creation who also have Souls? Then why you torture them knowing that you are soul. That animals don't say that they are animals then why you Monkey minded humans define yourself as human. Do you know Defining ourselves with something is a sign of Ego. Animals don't have any ego that's why they are beautiful. But You people are Nothing but an Ego. That's why Humans are not beautiful. But It could be beautiful.

Science and religious texts already proved that everything in this creation is energy. Even William Blake told -"Energy is The Delight". Yes Energy is Delightful. When You Have energy you are full of delight. Just assume that You don't Have any energy and you can't move. Can you Imagine what would you face in that condition? Whatever you are doing is the grace of Energy. You eat food to gather energy. But you don't value your energy. Do you know why? Because you are just wasting this energy in useless things. Humans eat food , gathers energy and wasting energy in Sex, Masturbation, Useless talking or chitchat...yes It gives you pleasure. Sex and Masturbation is full of pleasure because it emits sexual energy. Eating food is delightful because body emits it's energy in digestion of food. Talking or chitchat is delightful because body emits energy through Throat. Thinking or philosophy is delightful because because body emits energy through Thoughts.
Sleeping is delightful because Energy Is become stable. Dreaming is delightful because Energy is emitting through unconscious thoughts which become Dreams. Love is delightful Because Energy emits through The channel of Emotions.

But my Question is Why These activities are delightful? Have you ever asked why these are Delightful although these have no purpose? These are Delightful because In these activities you lose yourself or your lose your ego. So from this theory we can say that - "In a work where we lose ourselves or lose our egos that gives us pleasure or delight or happiness. And A person can be delightful only when he or she is calm. A short tempered person can never be delighted".

When you are doing sex if you don't lose yourself you can never be satisfied from that sex. In eating if you don't lose your ego then you can never be satisfied from that food. In sleeping if you don't lose yourself then you will wake up in morning with less energy or you will catch Insomnia. And the more you will dissatisfied the more hunger will gather in you. That's the reason Nowadays people became more hungry of sex, eating, Talking, Less sleeping. So now tell me Why Sould I define you creatures as humans? You humans are nothing but a decease. Your sex is a decease, Your eating became a decease, your talking became toxic or decease, even your sleeping becames a decease.

2000 years ego we didn't have these varieties of deceases. Why? Because Humans were less egoistic. They were very simple and their lives were very simple. At least they could sleep very deeply. But what are you people doing? Ask your Forefathers that How should live this life. But you can't ask , do you know why? Your mind will say you are more Intelligent than that of your less intelligent Forefathers. Yes you humans are nothing but a Modern- Intelligent -Decease. A big round of applause from me. It's not intelligence. This is Ego. Your Ego became intelligence just like A Bitter pill (Ego) is coated with Sugar(Intelligence).

Okay okay I know My words are very harsh and I'm asking for your graceful Sorry because I'm less egoistic. So dear tell me if you are not egoistic then Why do you have more Sad memories than the Happy memories? Why your life is depended on Sadness of past and the optimistic Happy Utopian Future. Why your Present is full of agony and full of optimism of bright happy future? If your present is Sad then how can you say that your future will be Happy. Your Optimistic future is a product of present right? Sad things will cultivate only Sad Grains of future. Happy things will cultivate The Happy grains of future. So if you are sad in present then my friend I can give your Surity that your future will be sad too. To make your Future happy first you need to make your present Happy. And The beauty is - When you are happy in present then you will automatically lose all tensions of past and future. and It's the truth that Past and Future are Illusion. Only present is the Truth. One day that past was also present and your future also will become this present.

But what Humans are doing? Having all the tensions of past and future? They forgot about present. Now tell me do you humans deserve to call yourself Humans? ....Darwin told that humans came from Monkeys. Yes you are proving that right. I will call you humans A Pendulum jumping From Past To Future. Yes, This is the Evolution of absurdity. What will you people teach your next generation, how to be deceased? How Dare you!! Clap...Clap...Clap...
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