

I Love You The Way Back In 1930
Disclaimer And Prolouge

Before reading my story please read this disclaimer carefully with full observation in order for you to get the whole thing and to avoid misinterpretations and misunderstandings!

This story is only filled with fictional characters and names that doesn't include or resonate with people
particularly in the real world. Also this story is inspired by the world war events back in the 1900's, but I didn't add some informations or scenery that might sounded like a slur to other country so don't worry. Government and politics that might be involved in this story are not based in realistic events or happenings nor the actual politics here in the world that we live in. The politics in the story will be only fictional and nothingless. Please be mindful that this story contains love with the same gender, so If you're homophobic and hate this certain kinds of genres and stories, please do not proceed to avoid further argument and slur to both sides! Be a responsible reader!

Also there may be some grammatical errors or issues up ahead, I'm still need at writing though but I will try my best to serve you all with best and great plot of the story in order for y'all to be entertained at the same time. I accept open criticism and corrections, but please don't go overboard criticizing someone that might hurt their feelings because all of us are fragile! Anyways again this story ain't for straight and homophobic people! This includes gay cuteness and overload that might melt some of your hearts if you really adored the story!

Anyways thank you for reading this short note I've created! I hope you will enjoy reading my story! If you want to contact me you can message me immediately and I will answer ASAP! If you want to share your suggestions and thoughts you are freely to do so, however you must be careful with your words because words can destroy someone's feelings and emotions take note of that!

Enjoy and happy reading everyone! Sincerely to my beloved readers!


"Incoming! Get down!"

"I'm hit! I'm hit! Argh!"

"We need medical assistance now!"

"We don't have much time left! We're gonna die doing this mission we need to retreat"

Screams of agony and cries of misery were heard on each soldiers that were sent to the battlefield fighting with the Nazis. Dead bodies surrounded the whole area while the blood of Erick's comrades flowed down into the battlefield. 

"Erick! Erick! Erick! Snap out of it we need to retreat! Now!" Commander Higgins slapped Erick's face after saying those words and Erick snapped out and followed Commander Higgins command.

"Unit 01 go west! Unit 02 support Unit 01! Unit 03 and 04 follow my lead we're gonna stay here until the others retreat safely back to camp understood?!"

"Sir yes sir!" Screams of determination and courage of each and every soldiers were heard from each one of them determining that they will win this war and retake the promised land they once sought to reclaim in order to achieve victory and freedom.

As both Unit 03 and Unit 04 headed their way to the west, the two remaining units gathered and deliberate their plan in order for them to succeed stalling time in order for the others to retreat at camp to call for help and backup.

"Cadets! All eyes to me! I don't know if we will make it out alive in this battlefield, but I will assure you that if we all cooperate and unite as one we will have the upper hand in pursuing the enemy. Lend me all of your hearts, stength and devote it! Devote your hearts cadets!" Commander Higgins screamed with determination and bravery after giving his short speech right infront of all the units. Screams and excitement filled the whole area as the soldiers were all filled with their strongest and resolve in order for them to fight back.

"Erick Peterson, I know that someone is waiting for you, and I know that you don't want to die before the war ends." Commander Higgins approached Erick and patted both of his shoulders.

"Now tell me Cadet Erick Peterson, do you want to join the battle or stay in here because for me I don't have a problem if you don't want to join, as I've said before treat me like your father I don't want your mom to be worried and sad if you won't come home after this. All I'm saying is, I treat as my son and you look also young, children like you shouldn't join the battl-" Commander Higgins didn't finished what he was going to say when Erick patted his shoulders.

"Don't worry about me pops, I'm strong like a titanium and my resolve is clearer like the blue sky. You don't need to worry I got this I'll fight alongside with my comrades even if it costs my life, I will fight because there is a reason that I wanted to keep on moving forward, the only person that I adore and I must protect from harm, that's why I won't back out for nothing I need to fight so he can still see the bright future he desires"

As Erick told Commander Higgins his reasons on why he doesn't want to back down and hesitant to stay behind. The Commander then understood his Intentions and didn't interfere with his decision.

"Now tell me child, who is that person that you wanted to protect?"

"The person that I wanted to protect and give a brighter future is named Ash Gregory"

Prologue End......

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