

final year
Henry pov
   Hey",Henry!a voice called out.
You ready for tonight's movies?"
      I was walking down the hall, my head hung low, thoughts in my head about what to do at home since I'll be the only living being at home.I shifted my eyes to my horrible friends,oh I mean my bestfriends,,,,Elizabeth Owens😀i call her Betty,,how can someone's name be ten letters isn't that too long,,, I just wish her name do follow her,how can she be bearing such a long name and still remains a dwarf....Betty is the shortest among the trio with long blonde hair and blue eye.And there is Junie Grayson with the hazel eyes that makes every blurry vision returns to normal with pepper red hair,she is the smart ass,studying always come first for her but as for me Henry Crawford fun comes before studies.
      You finally listened to my advice,(rolling her eyes)anyways nice outfit"I said"looking at Betty....awww what about me..? Junie asked,,someone is jealous,hmm,you look beautiful,such a simple dress,and  look so expensive "I said.......once again, I wish I was you,"she said to me and I gave her a fake smile,no need for jealousy okay I said and she giggled.
     "Oh! no,its time for morning devotion and we haven't submitted Mr Audrey's assignment,"Betty said panicked" Oh!that man is such an asshole."I added"
Oh! My God"were doomed "Junie exclaimed"(her hands on her head) I ain't  losing this mark, she said dragging our hands down  to the language laboratory.

           And guess what"?
We didn't submit that assignment,I must say it was my fault ,Junie had to do all the works before taking it to Betty since they live in the same neighborhood,And Betty had to bring both hers and Junie too to my place then I'll perform the last episode of copy_paste.And that was how I forgot the ladies assignment at the basement after copying,fuck am just so dumb,my mom would be so disappointed,if only she knew this is how I turned out ,but who cares what she thinks she is always too busy traveling all over the country for business.And my Dad,his like every other men who cheats on their wife,just because mum is always away,do you think his to be blame,he has been enduring since after both of their garment were fused for the first time to form me,am talking about their first copulation.four years ago mom and dad divorced, unknowingly, dad had children outside,I find out I had step siblings a boy and girl, maybe five and seven years, I wonder how long dad has been cheating on mom.Now I had to worry about my grades,I don't this think my girls will be able to forgive me this time around.

I hope you enjoy this chapter😊😊😊and please don't forget to notify me about the mistakes....thanks for reading
Love you all💓💓💓