

Brother's justice part 2 of 3.
fWriter's communication: hello to all readers story is going to begin from were part 1ended. Hope you enjoy it. 😉

we were to dig up a hole in an old house near lake .I couldn't figure out where they took us because they took us blind folded, we dug and dug till we reached an old sack filled with gold bars which was what our clients needed. After finding the sack me and my friend started to ask for our payment.but the client didn't seem to want to pay us so we started to loose our calm, he then tried to explain to us and made a suggestion to us that he had no cash with him but will pay up when we go back with him from where he picked us up which we took for a lie and then he looked at us with anger in his eyes,he knew he was going no where until he had finished with our undone matters and then decided to pay us some of the gold Which I put in that bag.But reaching the city where he picked us up it seemed he had changed his mind towards our payments and instead of paying us he wanted to kill us and take all the gold bars for him self. As soon as we stepped out of the car,than the client and his body guards turned out their guns towards us I and my friend were so scared, he told us to hand over the gold to him but as we came close to him and his men we decided to defend ourselves and fought with them and by a slight chance we escaped from them with the gold me and my friend both went our own separate ways to where we thought it was safe enough for each of us. that's when I brought that bag to the house cause I know the more I move with it, the more risky it is to steal it from me. I am going to go to my girlfriend's grandparents farm house , to hide until I figure out what to do what expect is to come back after a couple of weeks if not, am sorry but use the money from the gold.please give same shre to my girlfriend .Yes I know you have just come to find out but her now but she's really a good person you can trust she stays next door to the apartment i was renting, please don't forget my dearest brother, he should get something to , and the rest amount will be yours to decide upon.
Your loving son Ken .
After reading all of this John was so surprised,sad and also confused he wanted to some how tell his mother about everything but she was not in such a healthy condition to take up such a big blow about such a letter, so he decided to keep things to him self and first of all he decided to look for his brother make sure whether he is alive or dead , he then anonymously told the family about a short trip that he was to have all of a sudden but could not tell any cause he wasn't sure about the letter so took a plane and left for the big city after 3days . reaching where his brother used to stay he found the house closed, so decided to knock on the neighbours door , hoping for Ken's mentioned girl friend and a beautiful young woman came out, and she started questionsing him :who are you?
John, Ken's brother.
the woman looked shocked to hear such a thing and hurried him inside her house.
she explained to him that she was not Ken's girl friend instead she's her sister, Bella was her sister's name and she had also run away from their apartment after knowing what had happened to Ken. Than she said: my sister was afraid that those men would come back here looking for her , they just could't stop until they find that gold , they were e looking for any one who's related to Ken. Let me hope nothing bad happened for your saden visit to occur? John was surprised to see that this lady knows everything even more than he does. And started to get worried about his family he left behind home . began asking himself, what if I am here and my family is in danger?

To be continued in the next part 3: road to know it all. the end.
please comment so as I get to know what you think of the story 😉. thanks