

The Mysterious Footsteps
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

I knew that I only had just a few seconds to think, so I made a quick decision to backtrack a few steps from which I came. My heart was pounding faster but I didn't see anyone in sight. I took the next turn I saw and made it to a tall black door that looked suspicious.

I heard the footsteps again and decided to try the knob. I turned the knob ran inside and locked it behind me. I could hear the footsteps louder and closer to the door. Whomever it was tried to turn the knob to get in and that's when I started to back away from the door which is when I bumped into a long bed with restraints connected to it.

I started to realise that whomever owned this Hospital were experimenting on the I'll patients and hurting them one by one. Once I figured that out the door knob stopped giggling and the footsteps were no more.

Maybe the footsteps that were following me wanted me to see why re-ooening this place was a bad idea. I took my investment and left town as fast as I could and wrote my first book on the mistreated patients that were assigned to the Memorial Gray Hospital Institution.