

How Can I Know
If she's looking at me among many faces, could it be me. Waiting for an answer, perhaps her body language would provide a hint when she walks. Maybe her beautiful shy grin with her eyes slightly focused. How can I know she would be the suitable mate. However, I shy away when I get too close. Suddenly she's pointing in my direction, I look around to see who's there, no one but me. What could I say that would set me apart. Nevertheless, what could I give, only a broken heart. In this special moment I can not imagine.That our love would be everlasting. She's beautiful to my eyes. I daydream when she smiles. I am off balance when we're face to face. My fascination continues to grow every day. She's looking my way, I imagine she's looking through me. Into my lack luster confidence. I am acting shy and have nothing clever to say. After several minutes, her countenance express something quite different. She shakes her head in disbelief. Then she rolls her eyes and walks way. Again I am left alone, it's happened many times before. There's so much love bottled up in me. I am looking for a beautiful woman to share it with. The failure to communicate is no accident. Knowing how shy I am. If I could share love. How can I know.
© Daniel Mason