

Souls under Libic (First family lost)
In 2017 I visited my family like normal since my girlfriend and I moved. At the age of thirty-two I never thought I'd go through what happend this fateful morning.
My brother I were taking my dad to a check up on his foot after his surgury. As we were pulling into the hospital parking lot the unthinkable happend. dad slumped over towards my brother from the passenger seat. Little did we know but the worst was yet to come as i ran into the hospital to get a nurse or someone to help my dad. I got back outside to find that two off duty nurses stopped to help and got him back breathing. i ran back inside to make sure someone was still coming out because dad needed help.
After three times and ten minutes they finaly got out to dad and they carried him in on a gurny. My brother and I were told to wait in the lobby and wait to see dad after they got him back to breathing and make sure he is ok. the next thing was unexpected. They moved us to a privated room. the doctor and a pastor came in to tell us the bad news. Dad had died when they were working on him and they told us they did all they could do but I felt that they messed up because he was breathing when he was going in to the hospital but died after leave my brother and I.
My dad was creamated and was taken home with me to my appartment but I stiil wondered how and still see the nightmare nightly of the tauma from that morning