

I'm brOKen from within.
I'm already dead.
A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you for being you.
They don't really try to change you,

You can't live your life under lock and key.
I seem to derive comfort from the words of strangers. I wake up in the morning. Sip my coffee and read poetry. Why? Because it’s relaxing. And I find some poets a bit intriguing. But it goes far beyond the words. It’s the lifestyle of the poet. The interactions between other poets…Complete strangers.

It's amazing how we can plagiarize someone else's thoughts and adopt them as our own. It's as if someone wrote what we couldn't find the strength to say.

Honestly, The whole concept of social networking is just intriguing in general. It's amazing to me how someone can get emotionally attached to someone they've never even met. (Although I completely understand the probability of ones who allow themselves to get attached) but it's more interesting to me how people will share things with complete strangers that they won't even share with their closet friends.

Typically, whenever you give someone your undivided attention for an extended period of time (even for just a few hours a night) that's time you didn't have to spend and you choose to spend it with them and indulge yourself with intellectual conversation....I can see how one can get attached.

Either way, at the end of the day. You never know what the other person is thinking. But It seems pretty clear that he read into your intellectual conversation and misread your intentions....as was stated, perhaps he felt unique in your pool of "virtual friends" in that he wanted/expected more.

Whenever you give something to someone that perhaps they never had. It holds a special place within there heart. Hence forth comes the attachment.
This is where discernment comes into play. You can't befriend the world you'll just end up breaking hearts. Or your heart will end up broken.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨