

The Howard's of Star Base 10 and 12 : Chapter 33: New Year of 2277
Lord Andrew Charles Howard Fifth Duke of Norfolk Territory and his Duchess Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell the third Duchess Consort of Norfolk Territory have been Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12 for 1.5 years now and they have two children: Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane age 1.5 years old and Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene is 2.5 months old.

The year of 2276 brought in many new Howard's starting with Lady Victoria Maude Howard, Lord Richard Edward Howard III, Lady Frederica Wilhelmina Howard, Lady .Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard and Lord David William Beck JR.

All are direct descendants of Lord Patrick William Howard the first Duke. of NorfolkTerritory that came to Star Base 12 from the beginning of tribulation of Planet Earth in the late 21st century.

Lord Patrick William Howard told his beloved Lady Margaret Penelope Deveraux that they couldn't live in Norfolk In England and they boarded the United Federation Starship Excalibur in January of 2110 and with some other prominent families headed for either Star Base 10 and 12.

Lord Patrick William Howard a historian remembers The Spanish Inquisition brought on by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain forcing the Muslims to convert to a Jewish God that they didn't believe in but out of fear they converted.

Lord Patrick William Howard remembers when King Henry VIII of England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church to just get a son and it took his third wife, Jane Seymour to sacrifice her life in doing so on October 12, 1537.
Lady Jane Seymour dies October 24, 1537.
Lord Patrick William Howard remembers the same Inquisition in England brought on by Queen Mary I the granddaughter of Queen Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain from 1553 to 1558.
The Christian Protestants were burned for their beliefs.
Lord Patrick William Howard remembers The St. Bartholomew Massacre in Paris, France brought on King Charles the IX of France and Katherine de Medici and the streets of Paris flowed with blood with the innocent blood of the French Hugenots caused by paranoid King Charles the IX of France as well as King Louis the XIV of France.

Lord Patrick William Howard remembers Lord Oliver and Richard Cromwell that were the Lord Protectors of England and people were placed in stockades, dunking, and burned to the stake for not believing like the Purtians.

Lord Patrick William Howard remembers about all the innocent men and women tried accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1700s and 200 years later The Commonwealth of Massachusetts admits that they killed innocent lives due to stupid superstition brought on by a lack of knowledge.

Lord Patrick William Howard remembers. The Trail of Tears that began in 1830 to 1850 that forced the Native American tribes to leave their homeland.

Lord Patrick William Howard remembers how The Nazis executed so many different people for who they were: The Jewish, The Polish, The Gays, The Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, The Elderly, The Mentally and Physically Challenged and anyone that wouldn't conform to his master plan.

Lord Patrick William Howard a Pagan and Lady Margaret Penelope Deveraux a Pagan and Solitary Witch leave Planet Earth.

Lord Patrick William Howard with Lady Penelope Deveraux land on Star Base 12 on 2120 after being on The Excalibur for. 10 years and Lord Patrick William Howard claims the north territory of Star Base 12 and names Norfolk Territory.

Lord Patrick William Howard becomes the First Duke of Norfolk Territory in 2120

Lord Patrick William Howard is an architect and he builds a fine manor called Norfolk Estate.

Lady Margaret Penelope and Lord Patrick William are blessed with three sons: Lord Frederick William Howard , Lord William Edward and Lord Matthew Charles Howard.

Lord Frederick William Howard was born in 2122 followed by Lord Edward William in 2128 and Lord Matthew Charles in 2133.

Lord Patrick William Howard was the most well respected and dreaded Dukes on Star Base 12, but he built a strong dynasty.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard the fifth Duke of Norfolk is his great great great grandson by his eldest son Lord Frederick William Howard and his second son Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR that was his grandfather and it would be with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell that would bring on absolute Progimey whereas as the eldest child regadless of sex would inherit the title and property from the father or mother.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa stand outside of Beltane Manor in Norfolk Territory on Star Base 12 to watch the fireworks bring in The Georgian New Year of 2277.

The evening skies are lighted up with fireworks and Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa " Happy New Year 2277 my beloved Lady Karissa."

" Blessed New Year 2277 my dear Lord Andrew Charles. I pray that Odin The Almighty Father and Feyda The Goddess over all Gods and Goddesses watches over you." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

A New Year begins on 2277 for the inhabitants of Star Base 12 and The Pagan Wheel of The Year turns once again.

© ladywicca65