

Star Gazers Wonder...
Stars taking part:

Star 🌟 Universe:
Where all stars are born and raised
Old Star ✴️

Star Light 🌟

Bright Star ⭐

Shooting Star 🌠

Little Star 💫

In the outer layers of the universe, a Galaxy of stars have lived for millennia, displaying their beauty for the world to see.

During a very busy schedule in the star calendar, start gazers were preparing for, the stars were in preparation to put on the most spectacular display of all.

Old Star gathered the stars together, telling them they needed them to all work together, to listen to Star Light and learn everything they needed to do. Some had done this before, but practice was always a good thing. Old Star explained what each of the stars were to do, and when, for their display to be the very best.

Bright Star was not to happy, she complained it wasn't fair, that all the other stars, got all the attention and nobody noticed her? Shooting Star tried to comfort her, saying, 'You're bigger than me, Bright Star, and people always see you shine, they never notice me? I appear and then I'm gone, no one pays me any attention for long". Bright Star thought for a moment saying, "I suppose you're right" and felt better about herself a little bit Shooting Star.

The night was dark as the late winter night drew nigh. Clear, the clouds had dissipated in the earlier hours. The performance was too be spectacular in this radiant star-filled sky, filled with stars that would captivate excited audiences down below.

Stars of the universe, millions of miles away, shone brighter, more spectacular than anyone could say. The sky this night, had come alive, invigorated with light no one had ever seen and their pure brilliance was breathtaking to all who stood still, captivated in the streets, on the hills, beside seassides and oceans below as this once in a lifetime performance took place.

The stars of the sky held their own significance. Each one outshone themselves. in all their beauty and magnificence, and each one we're the showstopping stars of the night!!! ✨

© PoetReBlossoms