

Living in Darkness , struggling with Addiction
As I'm walking in The Darkness I can feel myself fading away in the night like a animal disappearing in the night why do I feel so alone , why do I feel so hurt this darkness has destroyed our families and has taken away children from their parents and families, God I need u more than ever right now my baby girl has court tomorrow morning I need prayers that it will be understood that she needs to go to a place to get right and not to a prison where it will mess her head up even more than now and my son is trying his best to get together and my oldest daughter is trying so hard to be the best mommy ever our story of a life of lies , drug's, running around messing up and not even a care in the world but we have to fight this dam struggle we have to beat it because I'm tired of being lonely 😭 and unhappy it's not right our life's have been turned upside down and things are not getting any better no matter how hard we try we have no home ,no friends really but a few out of the crowd we run with and I hate everything about it .my whole life I've struggled to be happy And it's so hard to we have hardly any help from our family I STOPPED GOING TO SEE OR FAMILIES THAT LOVE US I CANT STAND ALL THE PAIN I SEE IN MY EYES AND THEIRS SO HELP US AND I PRAY FOR A GOOD RESULT FROM COURT TOMORROW AND OUR LIFE'S SOON THANK U GOD AMEN
© Cindy Rutherford