

Once in a lifetime we meet people who will leave footprints in our hearts that will never be erased. They will leave an impact on your life..and they will make a difference in your life.

One such person who left footprints in my heart is my dad. He didnt have an easy life. He suffered from depression...but that didn't stop him from achieving his dreams in his life. He became the owner of one of the best aluminum companies in kwa Zulu Natal.

His health didnt alter Him..I watched from a distance a dad who did his best for his family. A dad who loved life..had so much of zest and enthusiasm for life. He was jovial and a humble person that believed in Jesus no matter what he had to endure. I also suffer from depression but I have realized how to cope with this difficult illness of the mind.

I watched my dad dedicating his life to God..that's what saw him through.. his lifes journey. So I have also dedicated my life to trusting God. Jesus is my anchor in life.
My dad passed away three years ago due to the covid virus...and I miss him dearly. It was the sadest day of my life when I got the news that my dad has passed away. He brightened my world. He added more colour to life.

Once in a while you will meet real life angels that will make the difference in your life. My dad was my real life angel..He has left footprints in my life that will never be erased.

He was my hero and he will never be forgotten. He lived his life as a legacy and as an example to others. He will always be remembered..by everyone for His kind nature and His compassion towards everyone. As I walk along lifes journey...I carry footprints in my heart that will never be erased.