


It has come to my attention that many young people want to achieve greater things minding not what they feed their brain.
Our minds acts as a machine that reacts in relation to what we want it to do. You can tell your mind that you are incapable of doing massive things in life, you can tell it that you are not ready to manage a big project, you can tell it that you just can't do anything and you are just a nobody in the society and it will respond in relation to that.

The way we currently manage our thoughts as young people can affect our future either in a positive or negative way, the voice that we speaker inside ourselves has power to change or destroy our present and our future. We may try to avoid the inner voice but one day it will surely prove us wrong because it is the powerful voice.

So if your inner voice speaks positive even in all your doing, people will see positivity and vice versa.
Metal health is a very important aspect of life as we are growing. I want you to understand that our brains work like Google and some social media like facebook, what you search frequently on these platforms is what you will usually see because Larry and Sergey including Zuckerberg understood how our brain works hence they consider our frequently searches as our priorities.

What do I mean?
Whatever your mind frequently recieves ,it processes it and consider it as your priority, therefore if you frequently feed your mind with negativities it will consider negativities as your priority and if you feed it with positive vibes likewise it will consider that as your priority. It's all about the choice and decisions we make.
We have

You can't hope to achieve greater things if your mind thinks only on what's there. Let your mind see more than what's on the ground.

You can if you think you can!
It starts with you, your brain and the choices you make!

Otherwise nothing is impossible.
© JosephMk