

Journal entry 1, my journey begins to the settled systems
"Nothing really special happened in my life until one day I heard of a project happening in outer space in the settled systems. I decided it was time for my next step in life, so I bid farewell to the people I loved and was leaving behind, and boarded the ship set for the settled systems. When on board, I took one last look at the earth and said goodbye for now. Then I climbed into my cryo pod and fell into a deep sleep with excitement of what was to come in the settled systems. (Journal Entry 1, Year 2328) As I awoke from my cryo pod, it felt like seconds had passed, only to be told it had been a lot longer. Even as I come to terms with this, it was strange to be awake two years early of arrival at the settled systems. But remembering that prep things needed to be done for arrival, and that it would take some time, I set about preparing myself for tasks that needed to be done over the next couple of years and got to work. (End of Journal Entry 1, Year 2328) To be continued..."
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