

A Lady called Jasmine; Episode Thirty; "New mom". Season Finale.
Episode Thirty: "New Mom". Season Finale.

By Pinkberry Tee.

Jasmine gave birth to a healthy baby boy which took after his dad alot. Everyone was surprised to see the resemblance between father and son. No need to convince with paternity test.
Koffi was there the whole time, holding unto Jasmine's hands in the labour room. It took two hours to pushed the baby out, since it was her first time. Koffi's parents were also present to see the new born, even though they were only allowed to stayed outside of the clinic.

Jasmine held unto her baby with Koffi on the side of the bed, watching the newborn eat from his mother's chest. He got fascinated with the whole scenario. He never thought a day like this would come when he would be witnessing the birth of his own child. Even though he and Jasmine met by mistake, it was the best thing that ever happened in his life. He would kill for it again just to have a night stand with her. After finalising his divorce with his wife, he felt peace and looked forward to having the best time with his baby and baby mama.

The whole family were so happy to see the new born. Memories was triggered when Jasmine's parents saw their daughter holding unto their grandson. Nothing beats this happiness, and they all hope it last longer.
Gifts was dropped for the new born and everyone in the family took turn to carry the new born.

Jasmine could only smile and hope for the best, even though not sure if she could give Koffi a chance in her life, but nobody knows tomorrow. Being a mom is the best feeling she ever felt in her life. She just birthed a life, and she promised to give him love.

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