

Giving mom something to be proud of
actual text message sent to my mom... 

Soo.. way too often the topic is brought up on how Brandon is doing or how things are going.. and too often if not always it's a conversation my own family and or people in general have with sadness or worry.. and never would anyone be proud

But how is 'Joe Blow' (an unbeliever and self-righteous) doing? And because he may not have a drug problem and may have a house and a car... he is doing soo good.. I'm soo proud of him!!

When little do people realize that if it is so natural to look down on the character of a drug addict then there is a much bigger fault of character to be analyzed in this message! And if you cannot see that this is a struggle for so many across the world and open up your heart to encourage rather than shame.. and all the while...