

The human digest track has an insatiable taste for animal protein. If we put the various types of protein on the dinning table, I bet most will start with animal protein. Well being omnivorous is a blessing as we stand the chance to survive with ease should any God for sac Ken extinction menace takes place in our lifetime. We are battling with climate and hoping that in the near future it will be kept in its place.

However, when we eat animal protein, specifically meat of all kinds, our bodies immediately gets in twin as if by the realization that a similar lesser animal has been introduced into our bodies, the desire to dominate and conquer gets awakened. The science so far shows that, meat and meat products from herbivorous animals takes longer periods to digest whilst those we share some similarities with like the omnivorous species digest faster.

The appetite of most humans will however vary from place to place and sometimes dictated or influenced by availability of such products. Another factor that influence this, is the ability of the family to afford in whatever way they can. Prices of diary products will therefore continue to differ accordingly and will continue to do so as the environment and market changes. The same goes with human appetite; the more populations of various indigenous folks increases the mouths will be fed and the more dairy and dairy products the world will look forward to.

As already determined a high percentage of the human bod is made up of materials needed to manufacture protein. From the lay man's point of view, we see more flesh on the human body than bornes and other materials. Well this doesn't still explain the desire of humanity to eat more dairy and dairy products than plant and plant products. Though ethnicity or race might play bigger role, it doesn't still show why there are more vegetarians than meet the eye.

So let's take the taste bud of the human race into context. Whilst many many and I stand to be corrected will at maximum eat their vegetables thrice a day, they will eat and crave for more on so many occasions. This idea been stipulated is not backed any research and since I'm not obliged to expound with scientific evidence, dairy and dairy products are more desirable than plant based. Perhaps in a different context, we will know and better deliver this information with evidence but for now let's consider the usual day to day observation.

At the counter meat is usually more expensive, that is if fish is left out of the equation. There is sufficient evidence however that given equal opportunities most will request for more meat or fish but the fact that, it's more dear we prefer the plant based which is actually more healthier. Unlike plant based food products which stand to have less negative consequences on our health,the effects of animal and animal products are less considered in this regard, until we are told to abstain from eating most for sometime or for the rest of lives.
