

When love dies (Chapter 3)
I try to stand but my legs feel weak. "How do you know me?"
"Well, you can't kidnap someone you know nothing about, well you can but that ruins the fun of playing with there head." He tapped my head.
"Who was that?"
"The other person."
"That was a friend of mine. I have food and water for you, and I seen you were shivering so I'll give you your jacket, but still your are being held hostage, so don't get comfortable."
"Of course, I won't."
He left and came back with a apple, and a water. "Here," he put the jacket over me. He fed me the apple and poured water into my mouth. My hands were not coming out of this rope, which was a great chance to escape. Just as he had came he left and I was stuck, in this old, cold, dirty basement. But, still I was tired and had just came from work so, I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to the basement door opening. The man came down with a chain. This chain put so many bad thoughts in my head. I moved onto the other side of the pole. "What are you gonna do with that!?!"
"Please calm yourself, I'm not the devil." He put the chain on my ankle to the pole and took the rope of my hands."What's this for?"
"Well I thought you might like to move around."
"I..I have a question."
"Go for it."
"What's your name?"
"You can call me... Titan."
"Titan, that's your name?"
"Indeed it is." He smiled and went back upstairs. He smiled...
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