

Dark Secrets Chapter VII
Amethyst P.O.V
I had ran for so long again that my feet were hurting once more. I kept picking them up and stopping every so often to relax, hoping and praying that the prince would not find me again. He had no right. No right to touch me like that if at all. And I was and am NOT, nor will I ever be his lady. But at the same time, something had felt... different when he held me in his arms. Perhaps I was? No, never. It would never happen anyways.
The prince has had a reputation of using women for his own pleasure and I was going to make sure I would never become one of them. That had to be the only reason he would want me. I'm always told by the men that I'm beautiful, but it could never happen. I'm just a peasant.
Night had begun to be replaced by day as I finally made it back to our home. Since it wasn’t too light yet and I knew that my family would still be asleep, I carefully opened the door and walked into the dimly lit room. My parents slept on the couch again, my little sister on the floor. My older brother, Kiath sat by the small fireplace and saw me. A huge smile appeared as he motioned for me to come over. When I went to sit with him, he embraced me as hard as he could.
"I'm so glad you're alright, Amethyst." He whispered excitedly.
I smiled back. "Yes I am too."
"What happened, sister? Why do you appear distressed?" He asked noticing something was wrong.
I shook my head and said, "It's nothing important, brother. It will all just blow over soon enough." I hoped.
"No, please you must tell me. Did you find Tobiath? What did they do to him?"
"He's gone, Kiath." I whispered. "Forever." I spoke the last word as tears welled up in my eyes.
He looked to the ground, contemplating what he could say to make everything alright again. Nothing could.
"I'm so sorry, sister." He finally spoke.
I gave him as broken smile before laying on the ground.
"What else happened?"
I opened my eyes again.
"I ran into a man who had kept shouting news of Tobiath. When I heard, I tried to get to the castle, but he stopped me. After that..." I paused. "It was a blur. I do not remember." I realized. All I had seen was the red eyes. I shook my head and continued. "Then a guard showed up. He told the man he would take me back to the castle instead. I fought against him too and was able to run away. I ran until I found a small clearing. I stayed there and... met the prince." I gulped.
"The Prince! What did he want with you? He didn’t try to harm you did he? I will fight against him if I have to..."
"No, Kiath there is no need for that, I assure you." I told him, sitting up again.
He gave me a long, curious look before turning his head back to the fireplace.
"What did he do, Amethyst?" He asked, turning to me again. "Do you even understand how dangerous it is for you to be anywhere near the Royals?"
"What? No, he didn't... he didn’t do much wrong to me..."
"Much wrong to you? Tell me what he did." He demanded.
I took a deep breath before telling him all that happened. At the end of the story, his hazel eyes went wider and he ran a hand throw his notty brown hair with a shaky breath.
"Kiath..." I whispered.
"Don't ever go near him again." He replied.
I was taken back.
"Kiath, you can not tell me who I can and can't see." I rebutted.
"I can as your older brother and so can father if he were to know. That creature will do nothing but hurt you in the end, that, I can assure you." He told me sternly.
I couldn’t get another word in before he laid on the ground by the fire and closed his eyes.
I sat back and folded my arms across my chest. I looked toward the small window again and saw the huge moon illuminating the darkened night sky. I looked toward my brother again before getting on my knees and looking closer. The moon was a dark red. I closed and reopened my eyes before it went back to the same white and grey color. I ran my hands through my hair before finding a spot by the small dining table and fell asleep.
As I felt myself falling deeper into sleep, I began seeing the silhouette of a man. He had gorgeous dark eyes that stared at me with love and passion. I sat on the top of the dark castle wall with his body between my legs. He leaned down and kissed me. I felt like fire was erupting from within. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders before I was lifted off the balcony quicker than the blink of an eye and laid down on a beautiful black silk comforter. As soon as his hand reached under the red silk gown I was in, I woke up.
Looking around, it was almost daybreak. The sun had begun shining a bit through the clouds. My brother no longer laid on the ground but was instead working on the farm again with my father. I got up and stood in the doorway, watching them. My brother and father stood bending down to reach for any of the new crops to pick. I looked back into the house and saw my little sister folding the sheet in an odd way.
"This is how we do it." I told her, taking the blanket and folding it correctly before placing it on her head.
"That's not where it goes, silly." She said chuckling.
"No? Then where does it go?" I asked smiling.
"Back on the couch." She answered getting off her knees to place it carefully on the top of the couch.
"Ta da!" She exclaimed before running over to me and giving me a hug.
I held her tight, running my hands through her dark brown curls. She broke away and looked at me with her sweet brown eyes. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before heading out to help our mother with the clothes.
"They're already done." She said walking past me and into the house. I had only taken two steps out of the door. I turned and followed her back inside. As I walked behind her, she suddenly whirled around and said, "Kiath told me what happened."
"Mother, he doesn’t understand..."
"Understand what, Amethyst? You are not to go near that man again." She stated walking away again.
"Mother, I never tried to find him! He wasn’t the person I wanted to find. I was trying to see if anyone knew where Tobiath was so I could bring him back." I explained.
"No, Amethyst." She whispered. "He's already dead. There was way you would have been able to get him in time."
"You don’t know that."
"I do. Take these clothes and fold them." She ordered.
I sat on the couch and reached into the pile of dry clothes on the floor and folded a few.
"I didn’t try to find him." I told her again.
"The Prince?"
I nodded.
"Then how did he find you?"
"I have no idea. The guard and town crier wanted to bring me there, but I ran away. The Prince just ended up showing up. I have no clue, mother."
My mother sat and thought before getting out of her chair and pulling me up.
"Mother, what are you..."
"You need to leave. Be sent somewhere safer than here." She said quickly dragging me at the door and to one of the horses.
"Mother!" I exclaimed.
"You're not safe here."
"Tell me why?" I asked, feeling scared.
My father and brother ran over as I had to sit upon the black stallion.
"Reena, what are you doing with her?" My father asked.
"He's after her. The Prince. She's not safe here and you know it." My mother snapped.
"Please, just let me get off." I begged.
"No, you're to remain safe, Amethyst. They are horrible creatures." She turned to my father. "You know where to take her." She told him.
He got a long rope and attached it to both horses before getting on the other and making both horses sprint off.
I looked behind at my family. My mother blew me a kiss as my little sister tried to run towards us, but my mother held her back. She squirmed all around trying to break free. A tear left my cheek before I turned toward my brother. He was upset, I could tell. Their faces and bodies slowly got smaller until they disappeared with the distance. I wondered if I would ever get to see their faces again.

© Sierra321