

The Blue Light (Part-2)
Outside, there was misty moonlight and the sky was overcast. I walked fast.

When I reached the front of the bank building, I called out to my friends.Soon, one of them came down and opened a side gate. We then walked along the side of the building and climbed up the stairs. The three of them had been playing cards.

When I told them I needed some kerosene, one of them laughed and said, "Couldn't you have asked Katherine to fetch you some kerosene?" I too laughed but I didn't say anything.

While one of them was pouring out some kerosene from their stove, It started to rain.

"I'll need an umbrella too," I said

"You think we own an umbrella!" laughed one of them."Stay awhile and play cards with us. You can go back when the rain stops."

And so I sat down to play cards with them.But I couldn't concentrate- my mind was on the story I was writing. By the time it stopped raining,it was one o'clock. I picked up my torch and the bottle of kerosene. My friends got ready to go to bed

"Goodnight! And Thanks," I said and went down the stairs. They switched off the lights as I reached the road

Note- Part 3 coming soon