

Always With You
I was coming back south from a long trip to Western Nebraska. I stopped for gas in a very small town in the heart of Texas. Leakey was the town's name. Surrounded by lush green mountains. The river that run's through the mountains could be seen from the top of route 83. I remember this from when I was a child. On our annual excursion going from Nebraska to Texas my family would always stop and eat in town. I remeber one year there was a man that had to tigers with him. We stopped and took pictures with the big cats.

Now in my late twenties making this trip alone in the middle of December I couldnt't help but reminisce about the past. The thump of the gas nozel once the tank was full brought me out of my musings. There was a sudden gust of cold wind. It brought my body to shiver. I got in my car and looked at the rearview mirror as the town got smaller. I was hoping that maybe the tigers were back and I might have missed them.

I still had many hours to go to reach my home in south Texas in the Rio Grande Valley. Route 83 is a very deserted road. A car every other hour if your lucky. I turned on my radio to keep me distracted as I drove. I sang away until the signal got scrambled and all I could get was static so I turned it off. The night felt colder so I turned my heater on it fogged my windows a bit. I swerved as I dodged a rabbit riunning across the road. Holy crap that was close. Stupid rabbit.

Being alone and surroundeed by an endless darkness. My mind began to draw up all kinds of paranoia. I saw the shadows of the trees dance in the light of my headlights. Wild boar ate on the side. Deer looked up as the sound of the engine approached them. Their eyes gave off a glowing yellow hue that was unsettling.

Hours alone. Hours of paranoia. Hours on the road. Hours of uncomfort. Hours of sleep depravation. Hours of hunger. All these factors began to take it's toll. I finally had to stop to use the bathroom. Being out there in complete darkness my senses where heighteend. Every crack of twigs I would turn my head. Every whistle of the wind would cause me to react. What was worse I could feel something watching me. I zipped my pants and jumped back into my car.

That feeling that something was watching me would not go away. I felt it creeping behind my moving vechile. I heard a banging on the roof of my car. My car swayed with each hit. I began to hit the inside of my car as I yelled out "GO! AWAY!".

This went on for miles on the very lonely route 83. I kept hitting the roof and yelling while driving. The banging finally stopped. I sped up. Before I knew it a loud and powerful thump hit my side of the car. The hit almost made me drive off the road. I regained my compusre and managed to get back on the road. I could feel something pushing back outside my door as I got back on the road.

I saw from my peripheral a light. I began to head straight towards it. I thoutt that the light could defeat whatever was attacking me.

BREAKING NEWS: "I'm standing here at the scene of a horrific crash. It happend sometinge between 1am and 3am. As you can there are chunks of metal on the roads. The collision happedned between a semi and an explorer. The semi driver came out with just a few scrapes and bruises but the driver of the explorer was...he wa killed on impact. The police have told us that the semi was equiiped with a dash cam. In the footage according to police shows the driver of the explorer behaving eracditly before impact. Sara and Joe and to the viewers at home we will keep you updated of this tragedey."

"I had been chasing you for a long time. In the end it seems you could no longer escape DEATH." A dark hooded figure said as it streched out its hand. Accepting it's fate the the young soul of the recently departed grasped the hand of the hooded figure.

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