

When the time comes
When the time comes, I will need the strength to tell the guy I like, how much he means to me; to tell the guys who broke me and bent me, I hope the next girl you treat better; to tell my mom that I need her by my side forever because she is and will always be my rock and best friend; to tell my dad to listen to me for once on how I feel and for him to try to understand. I want to tell my grandma thank you for everything you have done for me and for teaching me how to be strong and independent; to tell my brothers and sister I love them and to hear it back. One day I will do this. Today just might not be that day.

Another day I will tell all the bullies and haters in the world that I forgive them. I forgive them because nobody is perfect, but it still doesn't means it's alright to keep doing it. It doesn't mean to pull others down into your deep hole of sorrows and self hate mixed in with a dash of pain, just to make yourself feel good and happy.