

The Baby and the sweet woman(chapter one)

The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source so I walked down the hall where I heard the cry and I listened closely to the door and I heard this woman walking.. So I knocked and I heard her run into the closet or out the window. I walked in and I saw the baby in her crate and I looked around and the window was open so I looked out the window and I saw her hair in the breeze but she was running with something in her hands. So I went back to my room and I got me some stuff together and I went down stairs to get me a horse and a crate and I followed her. she kept disappearing but I still found her so finally she went to this cottage and I stopped the horse behind the cottage and I snuck in threw the back window and I was watching her she had long beautiful blonde hair with blue eyes. I took some pictures and I went back to my room and I checked up on the baby every hour to two hours. Two nights after I heard the crying again so this time I snuck in the room and I caught her.
Come Back For Part 2