

The Strongest Force
A long time ago, the sun and the moon were always on the same side of the sky. They were both present on a day and the moon was once as bright as the sun.

They were the best of friends, they were opposites who complement each other.

The sun was always loud and hyper but the moon was quiet and calm. The sun always tell jokes that makes the moon laugh while the moon calms down the sun whenever it's excited too much.

Every single day since the beginning of time, they had been doing this routine and in no time, both felt a deeper connection.

Both of them fell in love.

Now you see, the heavens were not happy about that. The sun and the moon weren't supposed to fall in love with each other. It isn't a natural thing to happen.

So, the heavens came up with the decision to separate them. The moon abruptly became in charge of the night where billions of stars are present. It tried looking for it's loved sun in the sea of stars but the moon could no longer find it.

Many days and nights came and the moon never let a single beat pass without looking for the sun.

It was until after eighteen months that they saw each other again. Neither gave up the hope of finding the other. Even if it only takes minutes, or seconds to be in the same sky again, they still savored in and waited for the next time they'll see each other again.

On an average of one and a half years to four years, a solar eclipse happen in some part of the earth.

That is when the sun and the moon meets for a brief moment.

That is a reminder that they were once in the same sky who were separated just because their love wasn't natural. Their love wasn't accepted.

But they chose to be with each other no matter how long it takes and no matter how short their time is with each other.

Because love will always prevail.

Love will always be the strongest force in the universe.


© lea kim