

The pen and paper ll
It’s clearly written, “Smoking causes cancer,” but that never stops people. I believe I am one of them. I know I am in a relationship where the future has nothing to do with us, separated by nation, divided by religion, and distanced by responsibility. But still, I choose to go on.
I do accept the departure at any time, but emptiness fills by the thoughts of it. I am keeping a treasure that I shouldn’t.
This is not easy; keeping it is chaos and ecstasy at the same time. God knows how to deal with people like me; perhaps that’s why God became God. It’s not very funny that I have always hated drama in relationships, that was never on my wishlist and here I am, blessed with it.
I heard that karma is a bitch, but I didn’t know this bitch.

The point is, it just seems pointless. Someday it gets extremely toxic, and someday it’s a beautiful fantasy.
There is fear, there is uncertainty, and there is a lot more.
It’s just more than complicated.
The greener it gets, the more it hurts.

© LeeBang97