

Systems: Quintess Civilization Intro
On a planet far away, refugees from a doom Solar System filled with various different people and species landed and formed their own civilizations. one of these communities is Quintess.

The strange thing about Quintess is that it is the 'nation' people of this new planet knows the least about. Almost every other civilization who made it planetside was able to keep in contact, one way or another, with the other groups who made it on this maiden voyage away from the old, doomed Solar System. Quintess was a different story: in an event that still baffles us to this day, the people who would eventually make up this society lost contact with everyone else as soon as they reached planetside. Many other organizations tried to reestablish contact immediately, but many other civilizations were far too busy dealing with their own internal issues to make this a major priority.

When contact was eventually regained with the people of LeRhy being the first to locate these individuals living on a distant remote part of the planet, something was very ... off about them. For one, while most other civilizations maintained some degree of technology or knowledge of scientific progress, the people of Quintess appear to have regressed in terms of knowledge and development. The beings of Quintess were communicating with smoke signals and letters delivered on foot instead of using telecommunications. Weaponry used by their warriors mostly included spears and slings. The children of those who originally arrived to the planet were fascinated by even the most basic tools and implements shown to them by LeRhy's researchers such as vehicles and electric lights and even synthetic clothing. All of things were available to the refugees before they left for this planet, so how society has evolved backwards so quickly remains to be seen.

Quintess appears to be a very basic tribal chiefdom with the best hunters being placed in charge. Their economy is a very simplistic combination of barter and small scale private ownership based around familial units. Even this information cannot be personally verified since it appears that anyone who enters the territory other than LeRhy's anthropologists are met with hostility and LeRhy seems to be unwilling to reveal their secrets for maintaining friendly relations with these people. Something strange is happening on this planet, but hopeful studying the now primitive people of Quintess might shed some light on the situation...
© Tyler W. McFadden