

Predators Speakin Softy
I could hear his voice speaking softly
But yet hurting me closely.
I don't want strangers to yell things
of harassment. An call it there way. No one does that it is not there way. So
I get on the phone and call the police
and the people leave out the area before
time. And sad but the police never came.
The state had everybody inside so the
pandemic had little staff or less then what should be. And these others turn
cold and call it right. But there evil just has to catch them soon enough. Not women moving back and forth in the night
is wrong and people trying to sell others
or make others sick . For others that should not be on property no way. And
evils dressing in make up acting like staff
or management is wrong just to hurt others or make others do stuff. Is all
wrong so what is this crazy world coming to why do fools want an author
to died for old bittys and old farts
who got no respect and are idiots.
Well when all this mess is solved this place will be better. And I will not here
his bitch cry out in the night I have
no place to go when she luring my man to duck up my shit.. She does not come
from this area. She a night time predator
and only comes out at night an if he don't
see it for what it is then he got to go
damn why they want to mess up mine
well it is Sunday Holyness get me out
of this mess. And I will another day
Holy Lord. With out being made fun of
by idiot s.

© lashes sullivan