

Even The Darkness can't hide My Path
I found my self there on the edge of darkness. The forest was, as black,. As the ravens feathers. I was motionless in my strain to make out any noise or movement, through my heightened senses.. No joke bro this was the scariest night of my life...
My 63 pan head decided she had enough, blew that piston so hard thought she was trying to kill me. She had a good life..I rode her, so hard at times, She would glow all the way down them tail pipes. Man was she a good ride, but I would bring her back to life, and she knew it, and she would wait. But for right now I had to ditch my asphalt lover, in some trees and get moving. The Hairs on the back of my neck tells me somthing is watching me, and my little adventure in there back yard.. Now I know things are getting reall. I just heard the loudest tree breaking that I've ever witnessed. That put my heart in check. Somthing lived here and it was evil.. I could smell it in the air, rotting flesh.. I got a good dose, of that when Gorge Jr. Bush was president. Read my lips no new taxes, yah no new ones just a raise hike the old ones.. But, yeah we were pinned down for three days, in that God forsaken desert.. we started with 8 after 18 min on the ground there was 5,.. 35 min later 3 of us remained alive. For 3 days in that burning sun we sat and prayed for God to find us before they did.. But this, this was far more scarry then those 3 days.. And it takes alot to scare a devil dog.. The darkness was followed by more darkness. Until there was nothing left to see except the black in the darkness....Like the kind that creeps up on you, in your dreams. Waking up in a panic, fighting your bed , gasping for air.. you know how you get.. And i felt that very feeling right know. That thing means to kill me!! Probably take me back to its layer, and keep me alive as long as possible. While he feeds on my flesh. One jaw crushing bite at a time. No one will here my screams, beacause he will pull out my tongue first. Making sure I can never yell for help!! He will keep my eyes but, rip off my eye lids so I can watch him eat me alive.. I got go.. I gotta get out of here..
I stay on the pavement as best I can, letting my feet be my eyes. I start getting confident I can do better then a fast baby step shuffle.i hear another tree shater. into splinters behind me. Suddenly I can go much faster. I hear wings somewhere above the trees. I can't see anything.. Suddenly I'm out of payment, wtf, I feel like... Willey coyote. But no sign saying... w..t..f...
as I start this unknown fall imto unknown blackness.. Oh thank God it was only the end of the road at the park.. it drops about a foot down into the park... I bruised my knee..But that was a short lived victory. As I felt the biggest wind rush upon me from every where.. the chill that entered my bones got into my chest so I couldn't breath I could feel my core temp drop with every passing moment. I didn't wanna die lie this I've been to war I've been in the pen just to visit friends cause they had no one.. but this, this is insane.. I could feel my soul slipping away from my body, oh no, not today you evil monster. I prayed to my creator to bring me to life again.. I felt my final moments slip from me. I could feel his ugliness creeping up on me . Hungry for my soul nodoubt . I knew, I could never repay all the sins ive done, before this moment, but I sure tried.. Suddenly there was a faint light out in the woods but it was brighter than any light I've ever seen. a warm feeling came threw me. hope started building in my heart, the strength in my soul came back to me . that light moved so fast I never got to see what it was. but that evil that evil was gone. and I knew then I was going to keep repaying evil for good. cause I ain't done.. walking down that dark path where no man can walk alone..
© danielboonis1